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Find thermal boundary conditions assigned to a geometric region



tbca = findThermalBC(boundaryConditions,RegionType,RegionID) returns the thermal boundary condition assigned to the specified region.


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Create a thermal model and include a square geometry.

thermalmodel = createpde("thermal");
ylim([-1.1 1.1])
axis equal

Apply temperature boundary conditions on edges 1 and 3 of the square.

thermalBC(thermalmodel,"Edge",[1 3],"Temperature",100);

Apply a heat flux boundary condition on edge 4 of the square.


Check the boundary condition specification on edge 1.

tbcaEdge1 = findThermalBC(thermalmodel.BoundaryConditions,"Edge",1)
tbcaEdge1 = 
  ThermalBC with properties:

               RegionType: 'Edge'
                 RegionID: [1 3]
              Temperature: 100
                 HeatFlux: []
    ConvectionCoefficient: []
               Emissivity: []
       AmbientTemperature: []
               Vectorized: 'off'
                    Label: []

Check the boundary condition specifications on edges 3 and 4.

tbca = findThermalBC(thermalmodel.BoundaryConditions,"Edge",3:4);
tbcaEdge3 = tbca(1)
tbcaEdge3 = 
  ThermalBC with properties:

               RegionType: 'Edge'
                 RegionID: [1 3]
              Temperature: 100
                 HeatFlux: []
    ConvectionCoefficient: []
               Emissivity: []
       AmbientTemperature: []
               Vectorized: 'off'
                    Label: []

tbcaEdge4 = tbca(2)
tbcaEdge4 = 
  ThermalBC with properties:

               RegionType: 'Edge'
                 RegionID: 4
              Temperature: []
                 HeatFlux: 20
    ConvectionCoefficient: []
               Emissivity: []
       AmbientTemperature: []
               Vectorized: 'off'
                    Label: []

Create a thermal model and include a block geometry.

thermalmodel = createpde("thermal","transient");
gm = importGeometry(thermalmodel,"Block.stl");

Apply temperature boundary condition on faces 1 and 3 of a block.


Apply convection boundary condition on faces 5 and 6 of a block.


Check the boundary condition specification on faces 1 and 3.

tbca = findThermalBC(thermalmodel.BoundaryConditions,"Face",[1,3]);
tbcaFace1 = tbca(1)
tbcaFace1 = 
  ThermalBC with properties:

               RegionType: 'Face'
                 RegionID: 1
              Temperature: 100
                 HeatFlux: []
    ConvectionCoefficient: []
               Emissivity: []
       AmbientTemperature: []
               Vectorized: 'off'
                    Label: []

tbcaFace3 = tbca(2)
tbcaFace3 = 
  ThermalBC with properties:

               RegionType: 'Face'
                 RegionID: 3
              Temperature: 300
                 HeatFlux: []
    ConvectionCoefficient: []
               Emissivity: []
       AmbientTemperature: []
               Vectorized: 'off'
                    Label: []

Check the boundary condition specifications on faces 5 and 6.

tbcaFace5 = findThermalBC(thermalmodel.BoundaryConditions,"Face",5)
tbcaFace5 = 
  ThermalBC with properties:

               RegionType: 'Face'
                 RegionID: [5 6]
              Temperature: []
                 HeatFlux: []
    ConvectionCoefficient: 5
               Emissivity: []
       AmbientTemperature: 27
               Vectorized: 'off'
                    Label: []

tbcaFace6 = findThermalBC(thermalmodel.BoundaryConditions,"Face",6)
tbcaFace6 = 
  ThermalBC with properties:

               RegionType: 'Face'
                 RegionID: [5 6]
              Temperature: []
                 HeatFlux: []
    ConvectionCoefficient: 5
               Emissivity: []
       AmbientTemperature: 27
               Vectorized: 'off'
                    Label: []

Input Arguments

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Boundary conditions of a thermal model, specified as the BoundaryConditions property of a ThermalModel object.

Example: thermalmodel.BoundaryConditions

Geometric region type, specified as "Face" for 3-D geometry or "Edge" for 2-D geometry.

Data Types: char | string

Geometric region ID, specified as a vector of positive integers. Find the region IDs using pdegplot with the "FaceLabels" (3-D) or "EdgeLabels" (2-D) value set to "on".

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Thermal boundary condition for a particular region, returned as a ThermalBC object.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a