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Generate L5X test bench code for specified AOI Runner block and AOI name


TbCode = plcgeneraterunnertb (runnerBlk) returns the generated test bench code for the AOI runner block of the ladder diagram model. Open or load the Simulink® Ladder Diagram model first.



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The following example demonstrates how to import a simple ladder diagram from an L5X file (simpleXIC.L5X) into the Simulink environment and generate test bench code for it. The ladder L5X file was created using RSLogix™ 5000 IDE and contains an AOI named simpleXIC with contact and coil representing a switch and a light. The following is a snapshot of the ladder structure.

Use the plcladderimport function to import the ladder into Simulink.

[mdlName,mdlLib,busScript] = plcimportladder('simpleXIC.L5X',...

The imported model contains an AOI Runner block named simpleXIC_runner, followed by a Ladder Diagram Function (AOI) block named simpleXIC.

Add Signal Editor input block, Scope and output ports as shown.

Modify the Signal Editor input to mimic a switch operation as shown.

Generate test-bench for the Ladder Diagram model.

Tbcode = plcgeneraterunnertb('simpleXIC_runner/simpleXIC_runner')
Tbcode =

  1×1 cell array


If the test-bench code generation completes with no errors, a test-bench file simpleXIC_runner.L5X is created. The generated AOI test bench file can be verified on Rockwell Automation® IDE.


Test-bench generation for ladder diagram models containing timer blocks such as TON, TOF and RTO fails. To generate test-bench code for these models, modify the ladder diagram structure while maintaining the logic.

Input Arguments

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AOI runner block name specified as character vector.

Output Arguments

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Generated test-bench file name specified as character vector.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a