Main Content


Catalog of dielectric materials



dc = DielectricCatalog creates an object handle for the dielectric catalog.

  • To open the dielectric catalog, use open(dc)

  • To see the properties of a dielectric material from the dielectric catalog, use s = find(dc,name).


collapse all

Open the dielectric catalog.

dc = DielectricCatalog;

List the properties of the dielectric substrate Foam.

s = find(dc,'Foam')
s = struct with fields:
                     Name: 'Foam'
    Relative_Permittivity: 1.0300
             Loss_Tangent: 1.5000e-04
                Frequency: 50000000
                 Comments: ''

Use the substrate Foam in coplanar waveguide.

d = dielectric('Foam');
waveguide = coplanarWaveguide('Substrate',d)
waveguide = 
  coplanarWaveguide with properties:

              Length: 0.0231
               Width: 0.0039
             Spacing: 2.0000e-04
          ViaSpacing: [0.0011 0.0070]
         ViaDiameter: 5.0000e-04
              Height: 0.0016
    GroundPlaneWidth: 0.0300
           Substrate: [1x1 dielectric]
           Conductor: [1x1 metal]
          IsShielded: 0

View the waveguide.


Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of a dielectric material from the dielectric catalog, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'FR4'

Data Types: char

Dielectric catalog, specified as an object handle.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Dielectric catalog, returned as an object handle.

Parameters of a dielectric material from the dielectric catalog, returned as a structure.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

See Also