computes the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC).
= modelDiscrimination(lgdModel
supports segmentation and comparison
against a reference model and also alternative methods to discretize the LGD
response into a binary variable.
specifies options using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to the
input arguments in the previous syntax.DiscMeasure
] = modelDiscrimination(___,Name,Value
Compute AUROC and ROC Using a Regression LGD Model
This example shows how to use fitLGDModel
to fit data with a Regression
model and then use modelDiscrimination
to compute AUROC and ROC.
Load Data
Load the loss given default data.
load LGDData.mat
LTV Age Type LGD _______ _______ ___________ _________ 0.89101 0.39716 residential 0.032659 0.70176 2.0939 residential 0.43564 0.72078 2.7948 residential 0.0064766 0.37013 1.237 residential 0.007947 0.36492 2.5818 residential 0 0.796 1.5957 residential 0.14572 0.60203 1.1599 residential 0.025688 0.92005 0.50253 investment 0.063182
Partition Data
Separate the data into training and test partitions.
rng('default'); % for reproducibility NumObs = height(data); c = cvpartition(NumObs,'HoldOut',0.4); TrainingInd = training(c); TestInd = test(c);
Create a Regression
LGD Model
Use fitLGDModel
to create a Regression
model using training data. You can also use fitLGDModel
to create a Tobit
model by changing the lgdModel
input argument to 'Tobit'
lgdModel = fitLGDModel(data(TrainingInd,:),'Regression');
Regression with properties: ResponseTransform: "logit" BoundaryTolerance: 1.0000e-05 ModelID: "Regression" Description: "" UnderlyingModel: [1x1 classreg.regr.CompactLinearModel] PredictorVars: ["LTV" "Age" "Type"] ResponseVar: "LGD" WeightsVar: ""
Display the underlying model.
Compact linear regression model: LGD_logit ~ 1 + LTV + Age + Type Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ ________ _______ __________ (Intercept) -4.7549 0.36041 -13.193 3.0997e-38 LTV 2.8565 0.41777 6.8377 1.0531e-11 Age -1.5397 0.085716 -17.963 3.3172e-67 Type_investment 1.4358 0.2475 5.8012 7.587e-09 Number of observations: 2093, Error degrees of freedom: 2089 Root Mean Squared Error: 4.24 R-squared: 0.206, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.205 F-statistic vs. constant model: 181, p-value = 2.42e-104
Compute AUROC and ROC Data
Use modelDiscrimination
to compute the AUROC and ROC for the test data set.
[DiscMeasure,DiscData] = modelDiscrimination(lgdModel,data(TestInd,:),'ShowDetails',true)
DiscMeasure=1×4 table
AUROC Segment SegmentCount WeightedCount
_______ __________ ____________ _____________
Regression 0.67897 "all_data" 1394 1394
DiscData=1395×3 table
__________ _________ _______
0 0 0.87604
0 0.0029326 0.87604
0 0.0058651 0.7515
0.00094967 0.0058651 0.44074
0.0018993 0.0058651 0.43569
0.0018993 0.0087977 0.40058
0.002849 0.0087977 0.31703
0.002849 0.01173 0.30375
0.002849 0.014663 0.28789
0.002849 0.017595 0.27996
0.0037987 0.017595 0.27026
0.0047483 0.017595 0.26868
0.005698 0.017595 0.26854
0.005698 0.020528 0.26682
0.0066477 0.020528 0.26668
0.0066477 0.02346 0.24923
You can visualize the ROC data using modelDiscriminationPlot
Compute AUROC and ROC Using Tobit LGD Model
This example shows how to use fitLGDModel
to fit data with a Tobit
model and then use modelDiscrimination
to compute AUROC and ROC.
Load Data
Load the loss given default data.
load LGDData.mat
LTV Age Type LGD _______ _______ ___________ _________ 0.89101 0.39716 residential 0.032659 0.70176 2.0939 residential 0.43564 0.72078 2.7948 residential 0.0064766 0.37013 1.237 residential 0.007947 0.36492 2.5818 residential 0 0.796 1.5957 residential 0.14572 0.60203 1.1599 residential 0.025688 0.92005 0.50253 investment 0.063182
Partition Data
Separate the data into training and test partitions.
rng('default'); % for reproducibility NumObs = height(data); c = cvpartition(NumObs,'HoldOut',0.4); TrainingInd = training(c); TestInd = test(c);
Create a Tobit
LGD Model
Use fitLGDModel
to create a Tobit
model using training data.
lgdModel = fitLGDModel(data(TrainingInd,:),'tobit');
Tobit with properties: CensoringSide: "both" LeftLimit: 0 RightLimit: 1 Weights: [0x1 double] ModelID: "Tobit" Description: "" UnderlyingModel: [1x1] PredictorVars: ["LTV" "Age" "Type"] ResponseVar: "LGD" WeightsVar: ""
Display the underlying model.
Tobit regression model: LGD = max(0,min(Y*,1)) Y* ~ 1 + LTV + Age + Type Estimated coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue _________ _________ _______ __________ (Intercept) 0.058257 0.027277 2.1357 0.032819 LTV 0.20126 0.031352 6.4193 1.6887e-10 Age -0.095407 0.0072648 -13.133 0 Type_investment 0.10208 0.018077 5.6471 1.8544e-08 (Sigma) 0.29288 0.0057081 51.309 0 Number of observations: 2093 Number of left-censored observations: 547 Number of uncensored observations: 1521 Number of right-censored observations: 25 Log-likelihood: -698.383
Compute AUROC and ROC Data
Use modelDiscrimination
to compute the AUROC and ROC for the test data set.
DiscMeasure = modelDiscrimination(lgdModel,data(TestInd,:),'ShowDetails',true,'SegmentBy',"Type",'DiscretizeBy',"median")
DiscMeasure=2×4 table
AUROC Segment SegmentCount WeightedCount
_______ _____________ ____________ _____________
Tobit, Type=residential 0.70101 "residential" 1152 1152
Tobit, Type=investment 0.73252 "investment" 242 242
You can visualize the ROC using modelDiscriminationPlot
Compute AUROC and ROC Using Beta LGD Model
This example shows how to use fitLGDModel
to fit data with a Beta
model and then use modelDiscrimination
to compute AUROC and ROC.
Load Data
Load the loss given default data.
load LGDData.mat
LTV Age Type LGD _______ _______ ___________ _________ 0.89101 0.39716 residential 0.032659 0.70176 2.0939 residential 0.43564 0.72078 2.7948 residential 0.0064766 0.37013 1.237 residential 0.007947 0.36492 2.5818 residential 0 0.796 1.5957 residential 0.14572 0.60203 1.1599 residential 0.025688 0.92005 0.50253 investment 0.063182
Partition Data
Separate the data into training and test partitions.
rng('default'); % for reproducibility NumObs = height(data); c = cvpartition(NumObs,'HoldOut',0.4); TrainingInd = training(c); TestInd = test(c);
Create a Beta
LGD Model
Use fitLGDModel
to create a risk_ug#object_model_beta_lgd model using training data.
lgdModel = fitLGDModel(data(TrainingInd,:),'Beta');
Beta with properties: BoundaryTolerance: 1.0000e-05 ModelID: "Beta" Description: "" UnderlyingModel: [1x1] PredictorVars: ["LTV" "Age" "Type"] ResponseVar: "LGD" WeightsVar: ""
Display the underlying model.
Beta regression model: logit(LGD) ~ 1_mu + LTV_mu + Age_mu + Type_mu log(LGD) ~ 1_phi + LTV_phi + Age_phi + Type_phi Estimated coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ ________ _______ __________ (Intercept)_mu -1.3772 0.13201 -10.433 0 LTV_mu 0.6027 0.15087 3.9948 6.6993e-05 Age_mu -0.47464 0.040264 -11.788 0 Type_investment_mu 0.45372 0.085143 5.3289 1.0941e-07 (Intercept)_phi -0.16336 0.12591 -1.2974 0.19462 LTV_phi 0.055886 0.14719 0.37969 0.70421 Age_phi 0.22887 0.040335 5.6743 1.586e-08 Type_investment_phi -0.14102 0.078155 -1.8044 0.071313 Number of observations: 2093 Log-likelihood: -5291.04
Compute AUROC and ROC Data
Use modelDiscrimination
to compute the AUROC and ROC for the test data set.
DiscMeasure = modelDiscrimination(lgdModel,data(TestInd,:),'ShowDetails',true,'SegmentBy',"Type",'DiscretizeBy',"median")
DiscMeasure=2×4 table
AUROC Segment SegmentCount WeightedCount
_______ _____________ ____________ _____________
Beta, Type=residential 0.70031 "residential" 1152 1152
Beta, Type=investment 0.73037 "investment" 242 242
You can visualize the ROC using modelDiscriminationPlot
Input Arguments
— Loss given default model
object | Tobit
object | Beta
Loss given default model, specified as a previously created Regression
, or Beta
object using
Data Types: object
— Data
Data, specified as a
table with
predictor and response values. The variable names and data types must be
consistent with the underlying model.
Data Types: table
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: [DiscMeasure,DiscData] =
— Data set identifier
(default) | character vector | string
Data set identifier, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting
of 'DataID'
and a character vector or string. The
is included in the output for reporting
Data Types: char
| string
— Discretization method for LGD data
(default) | character vector with value 'mean'
, 'positive'
, or
| string with value "mean"
, "positive"
, or
Discretization method for LGD data
, specified as
the comma-separated pair consisting of 'DiscretizeBy'
and a character vector or string.
— Discretized response is1
if observed LGD is greater than or equal to the mean LGD,0
— Discretized response is1
if observed LGD is greater than or equal to the median LGD,0
— Discretized response is1
if observed LGD is positive,0
otherwise (full recovery).'total'
— Discretized response is1
if observed LGD is greater than or equal to1
(total loss),0
Data Types: char
| string
— Name of column in data
input used to segment data set
(default) | character vector | string
Name of a column in the data
input, not
necessarily a model variable, to be used to segment the data set,
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a character vector or string. One
AUROC is reported for each segment, and the corresponding ROC data for
each segment is returned in the optional output.
Data Types: char
| string
— Indicates if output includes columns showing segment value and segment count
(default) | logical
Since R2022a
Indicates if the output includes columns showing segment value and
segment count, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a scalar logical.
Data Types: logical
— LGD values predicted for data
by reference model
(default) | numeric vector
— Identifier for the reference model
(default) | character vector | string
Identifier for the reference model, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'ReferenceID'
and a character
vector or string. 'ReferenceID'
is used in the
output for reporting
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— AUROC information for each model and each segment
AUROC information for each model and each segment, returned as a table.
has a single column named
and the number of rows depends on the number
of segments and whether you use a ReferenceID
for a
reference model. The row names of DiscMeasure
report the
model IDs, segment, and data ID. If the optional
name-value argument is
, the DiscMeasure
displays Segment
, SegmentCount
, and
If you do not specify SegmentBy
and use
to request the segment details,
the two columns are added and show the Segment
column as "all_data"
and the sample size (minus
missing values) for the SegmentCount
— ROC data for each model and each segment
ROC data for each model and each segment, returned as a table. There are
three columns for the ROC data, with column names 'X'
, and 'T'
, where the first two
are the X and Y coordinates of the ROC curve, and T contains the
corresponding thresholds. For more information, see Model Discrimination or perfcurve
If you use SegmentBy
, the function stacks the ROC
data for all segments and DiscData
has a column with the
segmentation values to indicate where each segment starts and ends.
If reference model data is given, the DiscData
for the main and reference models are stacked, with an extra column
indicating where each model starts and
More About
Model Discrimination
Model discrimination measures the risk ranking.
The modelDiscrimination
function computes the area under the
receiver operator characteristic (AUROC) curve, sometimes called simply the area
under the curve (AUC). This metric is between 0 and 1 and higher values indicate
better discrimination.
To compute the AUROC, you need a numeric prediction and a binary response. For
loss given default (LGD) models, the predicted LGD is used directly as the
prediction. However, the observed LGD must be discretized into a binary variable. By
default, observed LGD values greater than or equal to the mean observed LGD are
assigned a value of 1, and values below the mean are assigned a value of 0. This
discretized response is interpreted as "high LGD" vs. "low LGD." Therefore, the
function measures how well the predicted
LGD separates the "high LGD" vs. the "low LGD" observations. You can change the
discretization criterion with the DiscretizeBy
name-value pair
To plot the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve, use the modelDiscriminationPlot
function. However, if the ROC curve data is
needed, use the optional DiscData
output argument from the
The ROC curve is a parametric curve that plots the proportion of
High LGD cases with predicted LGD greater than or equal to a parameter t, or true positive rate (TPR)
Low LGD cases with predicted LGD greater than or equal to the same parameter t, or false positive rate (FPR)
The parameter t sweeps through all the observed predicted LGD
values for the given data. The DiscData
optional output
contains the TPR in the 'X'
column, the FPR in the
column, and the corresponding parameters
t in the 'T'
column. For more information
about ROC curves, see ROC Curve and Performance Metrics.
If the LGD model object is created by using the WeightsVar
name-value argument, the AUROC and ROC are weighted quantities.
[1] Baesens, Bart, Daniel Roesch, and Harald Scheule. Credit Risk Analytics: Measurement Techniques, Applications, and Examples in SAS. Wiley, 2016.
[2] Bellini, Tiziano. IFRS 9 and CECL Credit Risk Modelling and Validation: A Practical Guide with Examples Worked in R and SAS. San Diego, CA: Elsevier, 2019.
Version History
Introduced in R2021aR2024a: Support for WeightedCount
column in DiscMeasure
The DiscMeasure
output supports an additional column for
R2022b: Support for Beta
The lgdModel
input supports an option for a
model object that you can create using fitLGDModel
R2022a: Additional option for ShowDetails
There is an additional name-value pair for ShowDetails
indicate if the DiscMeasure
output includes columns for
value and the SegmentCount
See Also
| Regression
| modelCalibration
| modelCalibrationPlot
| modelDiscriminationPlot
| predict
| fitLGDModel
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