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Set member names in labeled signal set


setMemberNames(lss,mnames) sets the names of the members of the labeled signal set lss to mnames. The length of mnames must be equal to the number of members.


setMemberNames(lss,mnames,midx) sets the name of the member specified by midx.


collapse all

Load a labeled signal set containing recordings of whale songs.

load whales
lss = 
  labeledSignalSet with properties:

             Source: {2x1 cell}
         NumMembers: 2
    TimeInformation: "sampleRate"
         SampleRate: 4000
             Labels: [2x3 table]
        Description: "Characterize wave song regions"

 Use labelDefinitionsHierarchy to see a list of labels and sublabels.
 Use setLabelValue to add data to the set.

Set the names of the set members to the whales' nicknames.

setMemberNames(lss,{'Brutus' 'Lucy'})

Return a string array with the names of the members.

ans = 2x1 string

Input Arguments

collapse all

Labeled signal set, specified as a labeledSignalSet object.

Example: labeledSignalSet({randn(100,1) randn(10,1)},signalLabelDefinition('female')) specifies a two-member set of random signals containing the attribute 'female'.

Member names, specified as a character vector, a string scalar, a cell array of character vectors, or a string array.

Example: labeledSignalSet({randn(100,1) randn(10,1)},'MemberNames',{'llama' 'alpaca'}) specifies a set of random signals with two members, 'llama' and 'alpaca'.

Member row number, specified as a positive integer. midx specifies the member row number as it appears in the Labels table of a labeled signal set.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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