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Perform Sensitivity Analysis

Determine which model components are sensitive to specific conditions or drugs using local and global sensitivity analyses such as Sobol indices, elementary effects, and multiparametric GSA

Perform sensitivity analyses to investigate the influence of model parameters and initial conditions on model behavior. Compute Sobol indices or elementary effects and perform multiparametric global sensitivity analysis (MPGSA) to gain insights into relative contributions of individual parameters that contribute most to the overall model behavior. You can also perform local sensitivity analysis (LSA) to analyze the effect of one model parameter at a time, while keeping the other parameters fixed.


SimBiology Model BuilderBuild QSP, PK/PD, and mechanistic systems biology models interactively (Since R2020b)
SimBiology Model AnalyzerAnalyze QSP, PK/PD, and mechanistic systems biology models (Since R2019b)


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sbiosobolPerform global sensitivity analysis by computing first- and total-order Sobol indices (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2020a)
resampleResample Sobol indices or elementary effects to new time vector (Since R2020a)
addsamplesAdd additional samples to increase accuracy of Sobol indices or elementary effects analysis (Since R2020a)
getSimulationResultsRetrieve model simulation results and sample values used for computing Sobol indices (Since R2020a)
plotDataPlot quantile summary of model simulations from global sensitivity analysis (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2020a)
plotPlot first- and total-order Sobol indices and variances (Since R2020a)
barCreate bar plot of first- and total-order Sobol indices (Since R2020a)
sbioelementaryeffectsPerform global sensitivity analysis (GSA) by computing elementary effects (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2021b)
resampleResample Sobol indices or elementary effects to new time vector (Since R2020a)
addsamplesAdd additional samples to increase accuracy of Sobol indices or elementary effects analysis (Since R2020a)
plotDataPlot quantile summary of model simulations from global sensitivity analysis (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2020a)
plotPlot means and standard deviations of elementary effects (Since R2021b)
plotGridPlot parameter grid and points used to compute elementary effects (Since R2021b)
barPlot magnitudes of means and standard deviations of elementary effects (Since R2021b)
sbiompgsaPerform multiparametric global sensitivity analysis (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2020a)
plotDataPlot quantile summary of model simulations from global sensitivity analysis (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (Since R2020a)
plotPlot empirical CDF of multiparametric global sensitivity analysis (Since R2020a)
barCreate bar plot of multiparametric global sensitivity analysis statistics (Since R2020a)
histogramPlot histogram of multiparametric global sensitivity analysis results (Since R2020a)
createSimFunctionCreate SimFunction object
simbio.complexstep.absabs function for SimBiology local sensitivity analysis (Since R2022b)
simbio.complexstep.maxmax function for SimBiology local sensitivity analysis (Since R2022b)
simbio.complexstep.minmin function for SimBiology local sensitivity analysis (Since R2022b)
sbiosimulateSimulate SimBiology model
getsensmatrix (SimData)Get 3-D sensitivity matrix from SimData object
sbioacceleratePrepare model object for accelerated simulations


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SimBiology.gsa.SobolObject containing first- and total-order Sobol indices (Since R2020a)
SimBiology.gsa.ElementaryEffectsObject containing results from calculation of elementary effects for global sensitivity analysis (GSA) (Since R2021b)
SimBiology.gsa.MPGSAObject containing multiparametric global sensitivity analysis (MPGSA) results (Since R2020a)
SimFunctionSensitivitySimFunctionSensitivity object, subclass of SimFunction object
SimFunctionFunction-like interface to execute SimBiology models
SimBiology.SensitivityAnalysisOptionsSpecify sensitivity analysis options for SimBiology models
ScenariosSimulation scenarios (Since R2019b)
SimDataSimulation data
SimBiology.ConfigsetSolver settings information for model simulation
SolverOptionsSimBiology model solver options
SimBiology.RuntimeOptionsOptions for logged SimBiology quantity components
SimBiology.CompileOptionsCompile options for SimBiology models


Sensitivity Analysis and Simulation Basics

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