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MPU6050 IMU Sensor

Measure acceleration, angular rate, and temperature along axes of MPU-6050 sensor

Since R2020a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware add-on.

  • MPU6050 IMU Sensor block

Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware / Sensors


The MPU6050 IMU Sensor block reads data from the MPU-6050 sensor that is connected to the hardware.

The block outputs acceleration, angular rate, and temperature along the axes of the sensor. The block outputs acceleration and angular rate as a 3-by-n double-precision array, where n is the value specified as Samples per frame. The temperature data is output as a scalar double.


The output from the MPU-6050 sensor may have a finite non-negligible offset value except for the Temperature output. You may consider correcting this offset value for such cases.

This diagram shows the default orientation of the x-, y-, and z-axes of the MPU-6050 sensor.

If you simulate a model that contains the MPU6050 IMU Sensor block without connecting it to the hardware, the block outputs zeros. For more information, see Block Produces Zeros or Does Nothing in Simulation.



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The Accel port outputs acceleration along the x-, y-, and z-axes of the sensor as a 3-by-n vector, where n is the value specified as Samples per frame. The acceleration is measured in m/s2 and also includes acceleration due to gravity.


The Accel port is available only when you select the Acceleration (m/s^2) parameter.

Data Types: double

The Ang rate port outputs the angle of rotation per second along the x-, y-, and z-axes of the sensor as a 3-by-n vector, where n is the value specified as Samples per frame. The angular rate is measured in dps.


The Ang rate port is available only when you select the Angular rate (dps) parameter.

Data Types: double

The Temperature port outputs the temperature along the x-, y-, and z-axes of the sensor. The temperature is measured in degree Celsius.


The Temperature port is available only when you select the Temperature (deg C) parameter.

Data Types: double

The Status port outputs the status of the read operation. The port outputs the status as a uint8 value. Each value corresponds to the data transfer status.

Status ValueStatus Description


The Status port is available only when you select the Status parameter.

Data Types: uint8

Timestamp (in seconds) at which data is read from the sensor, returned as n-by-1 matrix, where n is the value specified as Samples per frame.


This output port appears only if you select the Timestamp parameter.

Data Types: double


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Specify the I2C module on the Arduino® hardware to communicate with sensor peripherals. For more information on the Arduino pin mapping and modules that hardware boards support, see Pin Mapping for Arduino Timer Independent Blocks.

Select the I2C address of the sensor from which the block reads the values.

Specify the number of samples that the block outputs.

The value that you specify here is also used to compute the output sample time:

Output sample time = Samples per frame * Sample time.

Specify how often the block read values from the sensor, in seconds. When you specify this parameter as -1, Simulink® determines the best sample time for the block based on the block context within the model. The output sample time is the product of Samples per frame and Sample time that you specify.

Select outputs

When you select the Acceleration (m/s^2) parameter, the Accel port becomes available. For more information on the Accel port, see Accel.

When you select the Angular rate (dps) parameter, the Ang rate port becomes available. For more information on the Ang rate port, see Ang rate.

When you select the Temperature (deg C) parameter, the Temperature port becomes available. For more information on the Temperature (deg C) port, see Temperature.

Select this parameter to display the status of read operation.

When you select the Status parameter, the Status port becomes available. For more information on the Status port, see Status.

Select this parameter to set Timestamp as one of the output ports.

Advanced sensor settings (optional)

Select a deviation in the acceleration that the accelerometer can measure. The smaller the accelerometer range, the more sensitive the readings from the accelerometer. A small range provides more detailed data, resulting in a more precise reading from the accelerometer.


The Accelerometer range parameter is available only when you select the Acceleration (m/s^2) parameter.

Specify the maximum angular velocity that the gyroscope can measure per second.


The Gyroscope range parameter is available only when you select the Angular rate (dps) parameter.

Specify the highest frequency at which the accelerometer and gyroscope samples the signal without aliasing.


The Accelerometer and Gyroscope bandwidth parameter is available only when you select the Acceleration (m/s^2) or Angular rate (dps) parameter.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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