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Parameter Editor

Add, edit, and promote parameters for architectures and components

Since R2022b


The Parameter Editor allows you to add intrinsic or operational parameters for architectural design.

In the Parameter Editor, you can only create an edit type parameter in a top-down approach. You can then use the parameters for simulation in your Simulink® component behaviors. Use the Parameter Editor to:

  • Add and edit parameters for components in an architecture. Edit the default properties of the parameter: Name, Value, Unit, Type, Dimensions, Min, and Max.

  • Add and edit parameters to the root architecture of a model or to the architecture of a group of components.

  • Promote parameters from components contained in the model and pull them to a higher-level architecture in the hierarchy.


In System Composer™, you can only define a numeric or logical type parameter value with an associated unit. Enumerations, strings, or fixed-point parameter types are not supported. When you implement Simulink component behavior in System Composer, parameters created from the Simulink Mask Editor might not comply and will not be reflected in System Composer.

To create parameters in Simulink, see Mask Editor Overview.

Parameter Editor Tool

Open the Parameter Editor

  • System Composer: From the Property Inspector, use the Parameters list to open the Parameter Editor using the Open Editor option.


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Add parameters to the current architecture. The architecture can be the root architecture of the model or the architecture of the currently selected component. To rename a parameter, change the value of Name instead of Prompt.

Open the parameter promotion user interface. If components with parameters are in the currently selected architecture, you can promote these parameters by selecting each check box and clicking Promote.

Highlight the source of the parameter in the model canvas and bring the source into the front view. To leave this spotlight view, click the close button at the top right of the model canvas.

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Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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