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Choose Architecture Template for System Design

System Composer™ enables you to specify and analyze architectures. You can allocate requirements while refining an architecture model that you can then design and simulate in Simulink®. To investigate specific design or analysis concerns, you can create custom live views of the model. You can use architecture models to analyze requirements, capture properties via stereotyping, perform trade studies, and produce specifications and interface control documents (ICDs).

Core Modeling Capabilities of Architectures in System Composer

System Composer provides three template architecture models that address different domains in systems engineering and software architecture modeling. All architecture models provide the same structural capabilities with some domain-specific extensions.

With any architecture template, you can:

  • Describe the structure of a system or software.

  • Create profiles with stereotypes to extend your architectures and conduct trade studies using analysis tools.

  • Link model elements to requirements.

  • Create custom views by filtering model elements based on criteria.

  • Define component behavior by creating or linking Simulink models.

  • Specify interfaces on ports to represent information exchange between components.

  • Establish traceability using requirements management and model-to-model allocations.

Using Architecture Model Template

You can use the Architecture Model template for system architecture modeling.

Simulink new selection menu specifying a System Composer architecture model.

In addition to the core capabilities of architectures, with an architecture model, you can:

  • Author physical models using subsystem components and Simscape™ behaviors with physical ports, connectors, and interfaces.

  • Describe component behavior using Stateflow® charts to represent modes of operation.

For more information, see Architectures, Requirements, and Allocations.

For more information on how to export your model to a software or an AUTOSAR software architecture model, see, Export Architecture to Software or AUTOSAR Architecture.

Using Software Architecture Model Template

You can use the Software Architecture Model template for generic software architecture modeling. The software architecture applies software domain-specific extensions.

Simulink new selection menu specifying a System Composer software architecture model.

In addition to the core capabilities of architectures, with a software architecture model, you can:

  • Author software architectures composed of software components, ports, and interfaces.

  • Specify service interfaces on ports to represent component-to-component communication.

    • You can represent component interactions as data interfaces and service interfaces. Service interfaces allow you to define the interface between client and server components. For more information, see Service Interfaces Overview.

  • Define the execution order of your component software functions.

  • Visualize the structure of a software architecture model using class diagrams.

  • Generate deployable code.

To learn more about software architecture models, see Design Software Architectures.

For more information on how to export your software architecture model to an AUTOSAR software architecture model, see, Export Architecture to Software or AUTOSAR Architecture.

Using AUTOSAR Blockset Software Architecture Template

The AUTOSAR Blockset Software Architecture template applies AUTOSAR domain-specific extensions. In the AUTOSAR architecture model, you can author software compositions, components with interfaces, data types, profiles, and stereotypes. You can add simulation behaviors, including BSW service components. Alternatively, you can round-trip (import and export) software descriptions via ARXML files. AUTOSAR Blockset supports C and C++ production code generation (with Embedded Coder®) and is qualified for use with the ISO® 26262 standard (with IEC Certification Kit).

Simulink new selection menu specifying an AUTOSAR Blockset software architecture.

In addition to the core capabilities of architectures, with an AUTOSAR software architecture, you can:

  • Add and connect AUTOSAR compositions and components, or import a composition from ARXML files.

  • Configure scheduling and simulation.

  • Export composition and component ARXML descriptions and generate production code.

To learn more about AUTOSAR architectures, see Software Architecture Modeling (AUTOSAR Blockset).

See Also

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