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Labéliser des images et des vidéos

Labéliser des images et des vidéos

Chargez un jeu d’images ou une vidéo et créez des définitions d’étiquettes. Pour commencer à labéliser une collection d’images, veuillez consulter Get Started with the Image Labeler. Pour commencer à labéliser une vidéo ou une séquence d’images, veuillez consulter Get Started with the Video Labeler.


Image LabelerLabel images for computer vision applications
Video LabelerLabel video for computer vision applications


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cuboid2imgProject cuboids from 3-D world coordinates to 2-D image coordinates (depuis R2022b)
groundTruthDataSourceObject for storing ground truth data sources
pixelLabelDatastoreDatastore for pixel label data
boxLabelDatastoreDatastore for bounding box label data (depuis R2019b)
groundTruthGround truth label data
groundTruthToOpenLabelConvert ground truth object to OpenLabel JSON file (depuis R2024a)
labelDefinitionCreatorObject for storing, modifying and creating label definitions table
create Create label definitions table from the label definition creator object
infoDisplay information about a label, sublabel, or attribute stored in label definition creator object
addLabelAdd label to label definition creator object
addSublabelAdd sublabel to label in label definition creator object
addAttributeAdd attributes to label or sublabel in label definition creator object
editLabelGroupModify a label group name
editGroupNameChange group name
editLabelDescriptionModify description of label or sublabel in label definition creator object
editAttributeDescriptionModify description of attribute in label definition creator object
removeLabelRemove label from label definition creator object
removeSublabelRemove sublabel from label in label definition creator object
removeAttributeRemove attribute from label or sublabel in label definition creator object
