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Video Classification

Perform video classification and activity recognition using deep learning

Classify the activity or action contained in a sequence of images from visual data sources, such as a video stream, into a set of categories using deep learning. Vision-based activity recognition involves predicting the action within a sequence of images, such as walking, swimming, or sitting, using a set of video frames. Activity recognition from video has many applications, such as human-computer interaction, anomaly detection, and surveillance. To learn more, see Getting Started with Video Classification Using Deep Learning.


Video LabelerLabel video for computer vision applications
Ground Truth LabelerLabel ground truth data for automated driving applications


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groundTruthGround truth label data
writeVideoScenesWrite video sequence to video file (depuis R2021b)
sceneTimeRangesTime ranges of scene labels from ground truth data (depuis R2021b)
VideoReaderCreate object to read video files
fileDatastoreDatastore with custom file reader
transformTransform datastore
combineCombine data from multiple datastores
folders2labelsGet list of labels from folder names (depuis R2021a)
splitlabelsFind indices to split labels according to specified proportions (depuis R2021a)
inflated3dVideoClassifierInflated-3D (I3D) video classifier. Requires Computer Vision Toolbox Model for Inflated-3D Video Classification (depuis R2021b)
slowFastVideoClassifierSlowFast video classifier. Requires Computer Vision Toolbox Model for SlowFast Video Classification (depuis R2021b)
r2plus1dVideoClassifierR(2+1)D video classifier. Requires Computer Vision Toolbox Model for R(2+1)D Video Classification (depuis R2021b)
predictCompute video classifier predictions (depuis R2021b)
forwardCompute video classifier outputs for training (depuis R2021b)
imwarpApply geometric transformation to image
imcropCrop image
imresizeResize image
randomAffine2dCreate randomized 2-D affine transformation (depuis R2019b)
centerCropWindow2dCreate rectangular center cropping window (depuis R2019b)
classifyVideoFileClassify a video file (depuis R2021b)
classifySequenceClassify video sequence (depuis R2021b)
updateSequenceUpdate video sequence for classification (depuis R2021b)
resetSequenceReset video sequence properties for streaming video classification (depuis R2021b)
vision.VideoPlayerPlay video or display image
vision.DeployableVideoPlayerDisplay video
insertTextInsert text in image or video
