Convert multiple csv to xls files.

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
avantika le 25 Oct 2013
I have a folder containing many excel files ( more than 200) in csv format . I need to write all these files in xls format.
Can this be done in matlab . Can anyone please help.
Thanks in advance

Réponse acceptée

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek le 25 Oct 2013
Modifié(e) : Azzi Abdelmalek le 25 Oct 2013
d=dir([yourfolder '\*.csv']);
for k=1:numel(files)
[~,~,b] = xlsread(old_name) ;
  7 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Juin 2018
More correct would be
yourfolder = 'E:\matlab'
d = dir(fullfile(yourfolder, '*.csv'));
files = {};
for k=1:numel(files)
old_name = files{k};
[~,~,b] = xlsread( fullfile(yourfolder, old_name)) ;
new_name = strrep(old_name,'csv','xls')
new_folder = 'E:\another'
new_file = fullfile(new_folder, new_name)
Onur ALPAY le 8 Déc 2020
I am using MATLAB 2019a version and it looks there is no problem with version. I try this code but I realized that the below code doesn't work. It gives me the same file name. Do you have any experiance about that?
new_name = strrep(old_name,'csv','xls')

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Plus de réponses (2)

Fabian Neira
Fabian Neira le 1 Juin 2018
I got the following error "File name must be a character vector" when using the code.
  1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Juin 2018
Please post your code.

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Lotan Jackson
Lotan Jackson le 25 Août 2020
Hi everyone, I know this is an old question but I had to adjust things for either the newest version or being on a newest matlab version. Here's the code. I placed all the files in the folder with the script.
file = dir('*.csv');
s= size(file,1);
for i= 1:s
Data = readtable(file(i).name);
filename= filename(1:end-5);
writetable(Data,[filename '.xls']);
Hope this helps anyone in the future. :)
  1 commentaire
Marcos dos Santos
Marcos dos Santos le 16 Avr 2021
It helped me. Thank you, Lotan!

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