I have a GUI with some text boxes for entering printing parameters and a popup menu with 5 different options. When an option is selected from the popup I would like the program to pause whilst a user fills in the relevant textboxes for that popup option. Once the user has finished I would like them to press a pushbutton to resume the program and plot the figure.
I have used a switch statement with 5 cases for the popup. My code works as planned except that I am having trouble pausing the program whilst the user enters parameters into the relevant textboxes.
I have toyed with uiwait and uiresume, but I am having trouble calling the push button to resume the program to each case statement.
function generate_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
This is the code, hopefully you can get a feel for what I am trying to do:
waiting= str2double(get(handles.generate,'ButtonDownFcn'));
if ~isempty(waiting)
Any help would be much appreciated