How to solve a non-standard PDE using MATLAB pde-toolbox?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Shrishti le 30 Oct 2013
Commenté : Shrishti le 1 Nov 2013
I need to solve a pde of the form: p*d2u/dx2 + d2u/dy2 -q*u = r*du/dx + s*x*du/dy
where p, q, r, s are constants.
The pdetool does not allow to enter different coefficients for the separate second order terms. Is it possible to enter different coefficients for the separate second order terms via command-line?
Thanks in advance.

Réponse acceptée

Bill Greene
Bill Greene le 31 Oct 2013
For a single dependent variable like you have, the c-coefficient can be a 2x2 matrix. That is explained on this documentation page:
For your case, it looks like the best way to define that is:
c = -[p 1]';

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