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Builder JA Error with private file (dicominfo)

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Chris le 11 Déc 2013
I'm trying to build/run a java class from matlab that among other things reads a dicom image.
I'm working from the spectralanalysis example in matlab, and have simply added the following line (with appropriate path info):
RSInfo = dicominfo([p flz2(1).name]);
I've added dicomparse.mexw64 under the "Shared resources and helper files" section of the javapackage builder UI (which during build add's the correct:
-a 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\images\iptformats\private\dicomparse.mexw64'
However upon trying to run the resulting jar file, I get:
F:\testUser\jabuilder_test\spectral\spectralanalysis\distrib>java -classpath "C:\
Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\javabuilder\jar\javabuilder.jar";spectralana
lysis.jar spectralanalysis.fourier > test.txt
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\testUser\AppData\Local\Temp\2\testUser\mcrCache8.1\spec
tr5\toolbox\images\iptformats\private\dicomparse.mexw64': The specified module c
ould not be found.
Error in dicominfo (line 44)
Error in plotfft (line 24)
Unable to print provided exception.
Caused by:
Errors occurred while loading the Settings files.
Details: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\matlab\matlab.settings
Internal Error: Failed to find SAX plugin.
tlab.settings Internal Error: Failed to find SAX plugin.
There is no Settings files associated with this product node: matlab. The Se
ttings files may be deleted after MATLAB started up. Please restart MATLAB to fu
lly solve this issue.
Is there any easy fix? Or a solid example of using private mex files in a builder JA?
  4 commentaires
Ashish Uthama
Ashish Uthama le 16 Déc 2013
Did any of the documented examples work for you? (To rule out a corrupt install). IMREAD ought work out of the box, your best bet is to contact support at this point.
Chris le 16 Déc 2013
The problem turned out to be Java 1.7 being incompatible with Matlab2013a. The documented examples like computing the FFT worked with 1.7 but mexfiles did not.

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Ashish Uthama
Ashish Uthama le 17 Déc 2013
The problem turned out to be Java 1.7 being incompatible with Matlab2013a. The documented examples like computing the FFT worked with 1.7 but mexfiles did not.

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