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Most Frequent letter in a Matrix. Help Please!

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
João le 22 Déc 2013
Commenté : Image Analyst le 2 Jan 2014
Good night all,
I have a group of letters in a matrix, now I want to get a new matrix with the most frequent letter in groups of 4 rows.
So I have a matrix like this;
and I want this;
I'm reading the matrix with
[~,txt] = xlsread('Cópia de 2012_15min.xls','JAN','B25:B3000');
and I already tried
res = char( mode( double( reshape( txt, 4, [ ] ) ) ) )
but I'm getting an error
??? Error using ==> double Too many input arguments.
Error in ==> Untitled at 37 res = char( mode( double( txt, 4, [ ] ) ) )

Réponse acceptée

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 2 Jan 2014
% Create sample data
letters = {...
% Now find unique letter pairs
uniqueLetters = unique(letters)
  5 commentaires
João le 2 Jan 2014
Modifié(e) : João le 2 Jan 2014
That's not making what I want maybe I was not clear. I have 2975 rows, in these rows I have letters like A B AB C, now I want to get a new matrix with the most frequent letters in groups of 4 rows.
So I have A A A A B B B C C C C D (...) and want a new matrix with A B C (...) so I will get a new matrix of letters with 744 rows
I'm now trying to use this code
[M,N] = size(txt); %# Matrix size
nSub = 744; %# Number of submatrices
novo = mat2cell(txt,diff(round(linspace(0,M,nSub+1))),N);
for i=1:744
[unique_strings, ~, string_map]=unique(novo{i})
So I'm trying to split the matrix of 2975 rows into 744 new matrices of 4 rows, now I want to get the most frequent letter in each of the new matrices.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 2 Jan 2014
Sorry but I don't understand. You say you want "a new matrix of letters with 744 rows" and then you say want "744 new matrices of 4 rows" so I have no idea how many matrices you want (1 or 744) and how many rows (4 or 744) are supposed to be in it or them. And I don't know how you can find " the most frequent letter in each of the new matrices" if you don't count the letters (i.e. take the histogram like I did).
Hopefully someone else will understand you perfectly and supply you with a solution, because I can't.

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