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horzcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Monika le 21 Jan 2014
Commenté : Monika le 28 Jan 2014
I have problem with my code.
??? Error using ==> horzcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.
Error in ==> rozpoznawanie_dzwiekowPerc at 209 mfcc_kaszel = [mfcc_kaszel; [c sp_bw sp_centroid sp_rolloff shortte zerocr]];
  1 commentaire
AJ von Alt
AJ von Alt le 21 Jan 2014
Can you post your code? Make sure that each vector your are trying to concatenate has the same number of rows. Errors like this usually happen when you try to concatenate a row vector with a column vector.

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Réponse acceptée

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 22 Jan 2014
I'm not sure if you want an 82 row by 18 column array as the output, or a 18 row by 82 column array, so here is how to do it both ways:
% Define sample data for testing.
mfcc_kaszel = [];
c = ones(82,13);
shortte = ones( 82,1);
sp_bw = ones( 1,82);
sp_centroid = ones(1,82);
sp_rolloff = ones( 1,82);
zerocr = ones(82,1);
% Make 82 row by 18 column matrix.
mfcc_kaszel = [mfcc_kaszel; [c, sp_bw', sp_centroid', sp_rolloff', shortte, zerocr]];
% Make 18 row by 82 column matrix.
mfcc_kaszel2 = [c'; sp_bw; sp_centroid; sp_rolloff; shortte'; zerocr'];
  5 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 28 Jan 2014
So I think you'd better track down why the sizes are not at all what you expect.
Monika le 28 Jan 2014
If I ignore sp_bw sp_rolloff. My program works. But how can I add sp_bw and sp_rolloff ?

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Plus de réponses (1)

Amit le 21 Jan 2014
The problem is in
[mfcc_kaszel; [c sp_bw sp_centroid sp_rolloff shortte zerocr]]
[c sp_bw sp_centroid sp_rolloff shortte zerocr] is a 1x3 matrix. Unless mfcc_kaszel is nx3 matrix this operation in not allowed.
what is the dimension of mfcc_kaszel?
  3 commentaires
Monika le 21 Jan 2014
My result:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
c 82x13 8528 double
mfcc_kaszel 0x0 0 double
shortte 82x1 656 double
sp_bw 1x82 656 double
sp_centroid 1x82 656 double
sp_rolloff 1x82 656 double
zerocr 82x1 656 double
Amit le 22 Jan 2014
The problem is that the dimensions of sp_bw, sp_centroid and sp_rolloff are 1x82 while the same for c, shortte and zerocr are 82xn. mfcc_kaszel is a null vector so it doesn't matter.
I think you need to change the code like this:
mfcc_kaszel = [mfcc_kaszel; [c sp_bw' sp_centroid' sp_rolloff' shortte zerocr]];
which will work.

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