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How can I add text to a plot?

64 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Lukas le 4 Fév 2014
Commenté : DONA MERIN JOY le 21 Mar 2017
I want to add some text to my graph. I have been through lots of documentation of the text() command. For some reason it just doesn't want to work. I know that sounds like I haven't tried fixing it myself but I have and I'm at a complete loss.
I have tried running the exact example code in the documentation and I receive one of two errors.
??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in ==> Untitled2 at 2
text(pi,0,' \leftarrow sin(\pi)','FontSize',18)
Or if I make them positive and real integers
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> Untitled2 at 2
text(1,1,' \leftarrow sin(\pi)','FontSize',18)
The example code that I tried running on my PC from the documentation:
text(pi,0,' \leftarrow sin(\pi)','FontSize',18)
Here is a link to the documentation with the correct output.
  1 commentaire
Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim le 4 Fév 2014
Lukas, is the error really referring to the text command? How does the rest of the code look like?
What MATLAB version are you using on what platform?

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Réponse acceptée

Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming le 4 Fév 2014
Is text a variable in your workspace?
whos text
In the command line to check.
clear text
To clear the variable -> then try the example from the documentation again.

Plus de réponses (2)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 4 Fév 2014
The error message you pasted refers to a *.m file called Untitled2.m.
Do the following and tell us what you get:
On the command window:
clear all
text(5,5,'TEST TEXT')
Your error message has nothing to do with the text command.
  2 commentaires
Anand le 25 Avr 2014
Hi, I have managed to read and display text within a running AVI video file, but now i want to only add text to certain frames...e.g frame 1-20 and 30-40....is there any way i can i can add text from one frame to another instead of it displaying throughout the whole video.
thank you.
hText = text(x,y,'string');
DONA MERIN JOY le 21 Mar 2017
how can i display a word in figure window in matlab

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Lukas le 4 Fév 2014
Ah thanks Robert. Yes I must have created a variable somewhere called text. I'm sure the clear all command would have worked as well thanks David. I will always use it from now on.
Thanks everyone.
  1 commentaire
Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming le 4 Fév 2014
See this LINK on why using clear all is not always a good idea...

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