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Gradient Descent Neural Network

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Hamzah amee
Hamzah amee le 14 Fév 2014
Commenté : Hamzah amee le 20 Fév 2014
I am using neural network toolbox. I am really new in ANN. My Question is, what is the performance value indicates?Attached is the image. Please apologize my bad English and the Image format if it is not proper.
Thanks a lot

Réponse acceptée

Greg Heath
Greg Heath le 15 Fév 2014
1. Image is not attached
2. Type net = net % w/o ending semicolon and find
net.performanceFcn = 'mse' % i.e., the average squared error
3. For details, type
help mse
doc mse
Hope this helps
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
  1 commentaire
Hamzah amee
Hamzah amee le 20 Fév 2014
Thanks Greg

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