Change the name of the output file as a loop computes

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Brenden le 14 Juil 2011
Hello all,
What i want to do is create a stack of files... i have a function F(x,y,z) and it is set to run and calculate F at different z values something like:
for zloop=1:pixel_dimension;
calculate the function based on x y and the changing z value F(x,y,z)
% save images
imwrite(PSF, 'C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\MATLAB\Deconvolution\Brenden\Deconvolution\Point Spread Function\PSF stack\ NAME .bmp', 'bmp');
What i want to know is how to change the name of the output file with each iteration so i dont "write over" the same file each time.

Réponse acceptée

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva le 14 Juil 2011
for zloop=1:pixel_dimension;
calculate the function based on x y and the changing z value F(x,y,z)
% save images
imwrite(PSF, ['C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\MATLAB\Deconvolution\Brenden\Deconvolution\Point Spread Function\PSF stack\' num2str(zloop) '.bmp'], 'bmp');
  2 commentaires
Brenden le 14 Juil 2011
can i add more to the name than just the number zloop?? like name it PSF(zloop)??
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva le 14 Juil 2011
just be careful not to add something that the OS won't allow for file names
[path string1 string2 ...]

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Plus de réponses (1)

the cyclist
the cyclist le 14 Juil 2011
As the file input, create a string with the file name. For example,
filename = ['file',num2str(zloop),''];


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