Help with piecewise function? Can't use else/if?

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
AJ le 18 Fév 2014
Hi, I am having trouble on a piece-wise homework problem I am having.
This is my code. I plot it and in the middle of the graph from negative pi to positive pi where y should be the cosine of x isn't right. I just have a straight line at y=-1 across the graph. I know I need to make it a vector or a loop it so it doesn't use if/else and skip the middle cosine function.
Whenever I try to get a function command I get this: Function definitions are not permitted in this context.
code so far:
clear all
close all
if (x<-pi)
This is what I'm getting: The middle part (cosine function) is wrong. I was told it's just graphing the part after else.
Help please?
Thank you.
  2 commentaires
Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle le 18 Fév 2014
  1. Homework problem clearly stated as being a homework problem
  2. Own effort and work shown
  3. Problem explained and results shown
Congratulations on writing a great (homework) question!
M. Y. Najjar
M. Y. Najjar le 28 Déc 2016
Don't you need a double '&' sign in the If statement?

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Réponse acceptée

Karan Gill
Karan Gill le 1 Déc 2016
Modifié(e) : Karan Gill le 17 Oct 2017
If you have R2016b, you can just use the piecewise function:
  2 commentaires
Sarah Palfreyman
Sarah Palfreyman le 14 Déc 2016
Modifié(e) : Sarah Palfreyman le 14 Déc 2016
Here is the example.
john Snori
john Snori le 1 Sep 2021
The second method involves the use of if-else statements along with for loop. In this method, we’ll define all the sub-functions along with the constraints using if-else statements and then we will plot the piecewise function.
Source :

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Plus de réponses (3)

AJ le 18 Fév 2014
If there any possible way anyone can give me the exact code?
I looked at your answer Image Analyst and I appreciate it but I still can't figure out and I think I will understand it after seeing how it's supposed to be done. I've been trying for 5 hours now and I have other work to do :(
  2 commentaires
Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) le 18 Fév 2014
Take a look at this:
% Step 1: initialise x and y
x = -10:2:10
y = zeros(size(x))
% Step 2: selective processing
tf = x < -5
y(tf) = -5
tf = x > -5 & x < 5
y(tf) = -2 + 2 * x(tf)
tf = x > 5
y(tf) = 5
% step 3: visualisation
burak ergocmen
burak ergocmen le 1 Déc 2016
it really works . thanks for the codes.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 18 Fév 2014
Modifié(e) : Image Analyst le 18 Fév 2014
Use two &:
elseif x(k) >=-pi && x(k) <= pi
and you need to make an array out of y=-1:
y(k) = -1;
otherwise it's just a single number, not an array of -1s. Plus you need to have it in a loop over k like I mentioned
for k = 1 : length(x)
then everything inside the look has a (k) index. Of course there is a vectorized way to do it, if you want that.
  6 commentaires
ska109 le 26 Mar 2019
Modifié(e) : ska109 le 26 Mar 2019
I would use this construction without the "for" loop:
x = -2*pi : pi/5 : 2 * pi;
y = NaN * ones(size(x));
y(x < -pi) = -1;
y((x >= -pi) & (x < pi)) = cos(x((x >= -pi) & (x < pi)));
y(x >= pi) = -1;
plot(x, y, 'r*-'); grid on;
Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 26 Mar 2019
FYI you can use NaN to create an array without needing to first create a ones array.
y = NaN(size(x));

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Carlos Guerrero García
Carlos Guerrero García le 13 Nov 2022
And what about this code ???
x=-5:0.1:5; g=-1+(abs(x)<=pi).*(1+cos(x)); plot(x,g)
Do you like it ???
  4 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 14 Nov 2022
I guess you are choosing not to take the suggestions, but I'll do them here:
x = -2 * pi : 0.01 : 2 * pi;
g = -1 + (abs(x) <= pi) .* (1 + cos(x));
plot(x, g, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2)
grid on;
Carlos Guerrero García
Carlos Guerrero García le 14 Nov 2022
Thanks to Image Analyst....I have no time enough to make the corrections suggested but thanks to your improvemets to my basic script!!!!

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