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what does it mean to insert param and file_name?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Liyun le 27 Fév 2014
Commenté : Liyun le 27 Fév 2014
When I run my code on my computer, matlab would ask me to input some param and save filename as the showed in the following picture, how can I get around with that?
Thank you so much!!!

Réponses (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 27 Fév 2014
it seems that your "diffusion_model" is a function that needs some input arguments. In order to run it, you have to specify these arguments. In its code, "diffusion_model" is using that data to perform whatever it does. By the image you attach, it seems that "params" has to be a 6x1 array. Go through the code and follow it to see what it is needed. You can also paste the function code here to give you more clue on what to do.
  1 commentaire
Liyun le 27 Fév 2014
There is a data file for this program, I downloaded it, but I still can't get the program run. Should I change “para" into something else,like my datafile's name to input the data file?

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