Joining jpg files to make a video

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Rishav le 10 Mar 2014
I have a certain number of sequential images in a folder named "Snaps". I want a source code in matlab so that i can join them together to make a video. Please help. p.s. I am using matlab 2010a

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Marta Salas
Marta Salas le 10 Mar 2014
Modifié(e) : Marta Salas le 20 Mar 2014
I use MATLAB2012a, you can try if this function works for you. The input arguments are: the path to the images (vide_dir), extention of the images (extension), path and name of the video with extension (aviname), and the frame rate (fps)
For example: make_video('/home/user/myImages/','jpg','myvideo.avi',5)
function make_video(video_dirs,extension,aviname,fps)
resnames=dir(fullfile(video_dirs,['*.' extension]));
for i=1:length(resnames)
if sum(F.cdata(:))==0
  3 commentaires
Rishav le 10 Mar 2014
And you have defined the function here. From where are you calling it?
Marta Salas
Marta Salas le 10 Mar 2014
Modifié(e) : Marta Salas le 10 Mar 2014
You define the function on an M-file called "make_video.m", you have to make sure the name of the file and the name of the function is the same.
Then you call the function on the MATLAB prompt or from another M-file, as the example: make_video('/home/user/myImages/','jpg','myvideo.avi',5)

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 20 Mar 2014
My attached demo shows that in the latter half. First it extracts and writes out all the frames, then it reads them back in and builds the movie from the individual still images.

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