How can I count the number of times a number appear in a vector?

390 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Rafael Freire
Rafael Freire le 28 Juil 2011
How can I count the number of times a number appear in a vector? A=[ 1 2 3 1 1 6 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 ]
1 appears 7 times 2 appears 3 times 3 appears 3 times and on ... Best Regards
  3 commentaires
indhu ravi
indhu ravi le 5 Avr 2019
sir actually i have an matrix of about 0 0 0
1 0 1 but i should find the maximum occurence of same numbers i.e 0
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 5 Avr 2019
Modifié(e) : Walter Roberson le 5 Avr 2019
Rick showed how to count all the occurances of all of the numbers, and I showed a different approach at

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Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson le 28 Juil 2011
Please try the following:
A = [ 1 2 3 1 1 6 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 ];
x = unique(A);
N = numel(x);
count = zeros(N,1);
for k = 1:N
count(k) = sum(A==x(k));
disp([ x(:) count ]);
  6 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 16 Mai 2021
I do not see any z in the code?
If A is not a vector, then I suggest
count(k) = sum(A(:) == x(k));
Enrique Sánchez
Enrique Sánchez le 26 Sep 2021
If A is not a vector, then I suggest
count(k) = sum(A == x(k), 'all');

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Plus de réponses (7)

Alexander le 4 Juin 2014
I realize this is old, but in case someone else stumbles upon it:
c = numel(find(a==1))
returns c = 7, so 1 occurs 7 times. Can embed into a for loop to find the occurrence of all members.
  3 commentaires
Roshan le 27 Nov 2023
saved my life
Stephen23 le 28 Nov 2023
Simpler and more efficient:
c = nnz(a==1)

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 28 Juil 2011
u = unique(A);
fprintf('%d appears %d times\n', [u; histc(A,u)].');
  2 commentaires
hello_world le 24 Nov 2014
It gives me the following error:
Error using vertcat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 26 Sep 2015
[u, ~, uidx] = unique(A(:));
counts = accumarray(uidx, 1);
fprintf('%d appears %d times\n', [u, counts].');

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Joseph Sottosanti
Joseph Sottosanti le 14 Déc 2018
c = nnz(a==1)
  1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 14 Déc 2018
This is good if you are wanting to count a specific value, but other code is needed if each value that occurs has to be tallyed like the original question asked.

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 5 Avr 2019
You can use histcounts or histogram for this purpose. Let's generate some sample data, 100 integers between 1 and 10.
A = randi(10, 1, 100);
The edges should start at each unique value in A. We need to add one additional edge at the end, otherwise the last bin will count the two largest unique values contained in A, not just the largest. All bins but the last contain their left edge but not their right edge, while the last bin contains both its edges.
U = unique(A);
edges = [U, max(U)+1];
Now let's count. I'll put the results in a table array for easy reading.
counts = histcounts(A, edges);
results = table(U(:), counts(:), 'VariableNames', {'UniqueElements', 'Count'})
If you want to see the results graphically, use histogram instead of histcounts.
h = histogram(A, edges);
counts2 = h.Values;
isequal(counts2, counts) % true
If you want the bins to be centered on integer values (useful if your data is all integer values, as in the case in the original question) you can specify the 'integers' BinMethod instead of building the edges yourself. If you do this with histcounts you'd want to call it with two outputs so you receive both the bin counts and the vector of bin edges. Remember that the vector of bin edges will be one element longer than the vector of bin counts since bin edges are fence posts and bin counts are fence rails.
h = histogram(A, 'BinMethod', 'integers');
[counts3, edges3] = histcounts(A, 'BinMethod', 'integers')

indhu ravi
indhu ravi le 7 Avr 2019
sir for example i have an matrix of 3x3
0 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 1
i should get the maximum occurrence of each row (i.e) 0
can anyone help me
  3 commentaires
indhu ravi
indhu ravi le 7 Avr 2019
i can't understand

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Zhe Li
Zhe Li le 27 Mai 2019
Modifié(e) : Zhe Li le 27 Mai 2019
A simple command that should work in most situations:
>> summary(categorical(A))
1 2 3 4 6
6 3 2 1 1
But this is for display (or quick overview) only -- you cannot use the result without some copying and pasting. So if you want an array of these values you need to use some of the other methods found here.

PetterE le 3 Mai 2024
The simplest solution I can think of is probably
this will give you the list of unique numbers in Au and the occurances on the same indicies in the occurances vector.


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