How to create an empty array of structs?
430 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Fred Sigworth
le 2 Août 2011
Commenté : Stephen23
le 25 Jan 2023
I would like to make a loop that accumulates an array of structures, such as
array=struct([]); % The docs imply that this should work
for i=1:n
But...this doesn't work, I get the error, "Subscripted assignment between dissimilar structures." on the first pass through the loop. Instead the only way I've found to do this is the following.
for i=1:n
if i==1
Is there a nicer way to do this?
4 commentaires
le 19 Oct 2021
Modifié(e) : Stephen23
le 19 Oct 2021
Several "Answers" on this thread were written without a clear understanding of the actual problem and task.
As a demonstration and simple test case I wrote this function (below). To keep it simple it must be called in monotonic sequence with step 1 or -1, i.e. either 1, 2, ... N-1, N or N, N-1, ... 2, 1.
% do not attempt to preallocate array
for k = 7:-1:1
array(k) = CreateAStruct(k);
array = CreateAStruct(1);
for k = 2:7
array(k) = CreateAStruct(k);
Simple test function:
function sso = CreateAStruct(itr)
nmf = 5; % number of fields
nmc = 3; % number of characters per fieldname
persistent fnm prv
if isempty(fnm) || abs(itr-prv)~=1
fnm = cellstr(char(randi([65,90],nmf,nmc)));
sso = cell2struct(num2cell(rand(nmf,1)),fnm,1);
prv = itr;
Réponse acceptée
Walter Roberson
le 2 Août 2011
You are correct, struct() is a struct with no fields, and that is a distinct structure that is not the same as a structure with any defined fields.
T = arrayfun(@(K) CreateAsStruct(K), 1:n, 'UniformOutput',0);
array = horzcat(T{:});
clear T
Also, if I recall correctly, there is a MATLAB File Exchange contribution to do assignment between dissimilar structures.
4 commentaires
le 20 Juil 2020
@Fred No need to learn arrayfun and anonymous functions. Those are magnitudes slower than plain for loops.
Plus de réponses (11)
Philip Borghesani
le 13 Jan 2017
Actualy the simplest and fastest solution to this problem is to not attempt to create an empty struct. Run the loop backwards to allocate the full structure array on the first loop:
% do not attempt to preallocate array
for i=n:-1:1
2 commentaires
le 12 Juin 2017
+1 nice and simple. Just make sure that the struct is not defined in the workspace before the loop.
Jeff Miller
le 25 Jan 2018
Unfortunately this doesn't work with parfor, because its range must be increasing consecutive integers. But this seems OK:
parfor i=1:n-1
array(i) = CreateAStruct(i)
Fernando Freitas Alves
le 27 Mai 2020
Modifié(e) : Fernando Freitas Alves
le 27 Mai 2020
Since R2008a, you can do:
array = struct.empty(n,0);
Once you cannot assign dissimilar structs and this struct has no field, this is useless.
A better approach would be:
array(n,1) = struct('field1',[],'field2',[],...);
0 commentaires
Dien Nguyen
le 11 Avr 2018
Simple solution, use repmat to "repeat" "n" struct(s) as shown:
array = repmat(struct(field1, [], field2, [], ..., fieldN, []), n);
1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
le 11 Avr 2018
This does not satisfy the original requirement that the struct entry be the result of executing CreateAStruct with argument equal to the index.
Sean de Wolski
le 2 Août 2011
st = 1:10;
for ii = 1:10
array(ii).st = st(ii);
You need to set the value to a field of the struct since that's how structs are indexed. You could also look into using cell arrays:
doc cell
3 commentaires
Nathaniel Jones
le 12 Juin 2017
Sean, using a cell array of structs results in the following error when attempting to assign structs as elements of the cell array:
Conversion to cell from struct is not possible.
At this point, you might want to use
to convert from a cell array to an array of structs. However, Romesh's answer is a better option.
le 3 Déc 2013
It's easy. test(10,10) = struct; This creates an 10*10 empty structs.
1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
le 11 Avr 2018
This does not satisfy the original requirement that the struct entry be the result of executing CreateAStruct with argument equal to the index.
le 5 Avr 2021
when I pre-allocate the struct array, I do as follows
array(1: n)= struct;
for iter= 1: n
array(iter).a= "anything"
array(iter).n= "nothing"
3 commentaires
le 6 Avr 2021
Modifié(e) : DAEHO KIM
le 6 Avr 2021
Thank you.
There is an application version.
% pre-allocate array structure.
array(1: n)= struct;
for iter1= 1: n
array(iter1).a= "anything";
array(iter1).n= "nothing";
% pre-allocate array2 structure in the array structure.
array(iter1).array2(1: m)= struct;
for iter2= 1: m
array(iter1).array2(iter2).e= "everything";
David Young
le 21 Jan 2014
For a description of the different kinds of empty structs, and a function that allows you to create each kind easily, see my File Exchange submission emptyStruct
1 commentaire
le 25 Jan 2023
This requires that the structure fields are known in advance, which is not what the question requested.
Francesco Onorati
le 13 Jan 2017
Modifié(e) : Francesco Onorati
le 13 Jan 2017
array(n)=struct(field1, [], field2, [], ..., fieldN, []); % <-- as CreateAStruct struct
for i:n
array(i)=CreateAStruct(var1(i), var2(i));
1 commentaire
le 19 Oct 2021
This requires that the structure fields are known in advance, which is not what the question requested.
Bruno Luong
le 20 Juil 2020
Modifié(e) : Bruno Luong
le 20 Juil 2020
Been there, done that. The most generic way I deal with such situation is like that using a function CATSTRUCT I have created (attached here).
Usage is typically like this:
cellresult = cell(1,n)
for i=1:n
% do something first
% ...
% call iteration subtask that returns a structure or structure array
cellresult{i} = myfun(i, var1, var2, etc);
% do something else
% ...
dim = 2; % whatever elongation of structresult you want to get
structresult = catstruct(dim, cellresult); % function mfiles attached
The function CATSTRUCTS can deal with a list of structures that are all dissimilar, so very generic possible usage. The function MYFUN is allowed to return disimilar structures from iteration to iteration. This of course have some speed penalty when structure are concatenated at the last statement compared to stock functions such as horzcat, vertcat, cat(dim, c{: )).
The solution I propose does not require to know in advance the fieldnames of the structure.
PS: TMW can inspire of my small utilities and include in their next MATLAB releases if they wish.
1 commentaire
Bruno Luong
le 28 Fév 2022
Anotherway is to use the attached file AllocateStruct with the structure element has identical fileds
for i=1:n
s = myfun(i, var1, var2, etc);
if i == 1 % ~exist('sarray', 'var')
sarray = AllocateStruct(s, [1 n]);
sarray(i) = s;
Owen Claxton
le 19 Oct 2021
Minimum working example:
struct_array_col = [struct()];
struct_array_row = [struct()];
n_structs = 10;
for i = 1 : n_structs
struct_array_col(i,1).name = num2str(round(rand(1) .* 100, 3));
struct_array_row(i).name = num2str(round(rand(1) .* 100, 3));
2 commentaires
Owen Claxton
le 11 Nov 2021
Modifié(e) : Owen Claxton
le 11 Nov 2021
Thanks Stephen, after encounting the problem actually described in the question I realised my error. Leaving my answer up just in case it helps someone. Personally, I went with the preallocation approach as I knew the struct fields (thus I could make an array with similar objects):
section_pieces = struct('type', '', 'slength', 0, 'radius', 0, 'sectionID', 0);
for i = 1 : num_sections
section_pieces(i) = sectionSpec(section_types{i}, section_lengths(i), section_radii(i), i);
% sectionSpec creates a struct with type (char array), slength (int),
% radius (int), sectionID (int) fields using some input arrays
Lihan Xie
le 25 Fév 2022
Modifié(e) : Lihan Xie
le 25 Fév 2022
The most simple way to get the struct array :
for i=1:n
array=[array st];
1 commentaire
Walter Roberson
le 27 Fév 2022
That is inefficient, as it has to keep expanding the struct array. Philip's code at is more efficient.
Voir également
En savoir plus sur Structures dans Help Center et File Exchange
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