Why does MATLAB crash when I use the Image Acquisition Toolbox?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Meredith le 12 Juin 2014
Commenté : Image Analyst le 19 Sep 2014
I just downloaded MATLAB 2014 today in order to use the Image Acquisition toolbox and communicate with a PointGrey camera. However, several commands into my session MATLAB crashes. For example:
vid = videoinput('pointgrey',1)
src = getselectedsource(vid);
snapshot = getsnapshot(vid);
and then it all crashes and i have to restart MATLAB. However, if I repeat the same sequence of commands, it crashes on the snapshot = getsnapshot(vid) command or another command. It's inconsistent beyond crashing quickly. What's going on and how do I prevent this?
  2 commentaires
Cyril le 19 Sep 2014
Was this issue ever resolved? I am seeing similar behavior when using Point Grey Grasshopper and Flea cameras. I have created a GUI to mimic much of the image acquisition toolbox functionality with the added ability to view two cameras simultaneously. Sometimes I will be able to preview the cameras, acquire, and save images without issue. Other times Matlab will crash at seemingly random calls of the point grey adaptor (e.g. trigger(vid), start(vid), getdata(vid)).
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 19 Sep 2014
I would guess so, if Meredith took David's recommendation. Why don't you call the Mathworks and ask them to look it up in their records.

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Réponses (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 15 Juin 2014
Contact PointGrey, since it is most likely them who wrote the pointgrey video adapter, rather than the Mathworks.

David Tarkowski
David Tarkowski le 17 Juin 2014
The first thing that I would check is that you are using the correct version of the Point Grey FlyCapture software. I believe that the version supported in R2014a is 2.5. If that does not resolve the issue, please contact MathWorks technical support with this issue.

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