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how to load my file in to matlab?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
asthana le 13 Juin 2014
Commenté : asthana le 13 Juin 2014
hello every one i have one file that is (.m file) now if i want to load that file in to another file and data that file contain so how to do so
i am making the program for number plate extraction so i made one library contain all digit as well as all alphabatic digit now in another file i have to use that file to compare it so how to load that file
please help me how to do so

Réponses (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 13 Juin 2014
Just write the name of the *.m file containing the data/script you want to load. Write it where you want it to run.
  2 commentaires
asthana le 13 Juin 2014
explain with me example
asthana le 13 Juin 2014
so suppose the file name is template.m so i can just write load template in the code

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