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Problem with importing exact data dimension from SPSS to MATLAB

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Oluwaseun le 11 Août 2011
I imported a large data dimension 4999 x 421 from SPSS but instead of importing data of exact size, MATLAB is importing data of size 4999 x 256 which means it has neglected some columns. How do i resolve this problem?
  2 commentaires
the cyclist
the cyclist le 11 Août 2011
Diagnosing your problem would be made much easier if you provided some details about how you are trying to import the data (e.g. the code you are using, or doing it via the GUI, etc).
Oluwaseun le 12 Août 2011
Firstly, i converted the SPSS file to a .wk1 file and then i used the 'file import data' icon to import the .wk1 file to MATLAB.
I did not write any code for it as i am new to MATLAB.

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Réponses (2)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser le 12 Août 2011
My guess is, that this is caused by column separator issues.
Maybe MATLAB interprets the to be imported data differnt as of dots, commas etc. If you can post a couple of rows as example?

Maryam le 12 Oct 2011
I am having the same problem. My data file does contain spaces between different cells which are randomly ordered and I do not want to touch them. Is there anyway of solving this problem?


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