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Problem in while loop when input is characters or words

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jian Gui
Jian Gui le 23 Juin 2014
Commenté : David Sanchez le 24 Juin 2014
Hi all. I am trying to make a while loops that will keep on running if the user input is a str, a number less and equal 0 or the number is longer the length of my vector. But it doesn't work, plz help:)
deleterowStr=input('Please enter the number of the row:','s');
while ~((~isempty( choiceNum) && deleterow <=0 || deleterow > length(W)) || strcmpi(deleterowStr,'')==1)
disp('Invaild row number')
deleterowstr=input('Please enter the number of the row:','s');

Réponses (1)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 23 Juin 2014
You do not say who is either W or choiceNum, but with the two variables in play, you can do it like this.
Watch the capital S in deleterowStr within the while loop
deleterowStr = input('Please enter the number of the row:','s');
deleterow = str2double(deleterowStr);
while ~strcmpi(deleterowStr,'') || deleterow <= 0
disp('Invaild row number')
deleterowStr = input('Please enter the number of the row:','s');
deleterow = str2double(deleterowStr);
  5 commentaires
Jian Gui
Jian Gui le 23 Juin 2014
actually it works now, but i can't exit the while loops:S
David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 24 Juin 2014
To exit the loop ( while-loop I gave you ) do not type anything and push Enter

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