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Debugging with matlab shared libraries -

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mike  G
Mike G le 15 Fév 2011
I am debugging my driver program and a matlab shared library (on Linux). I included the -g option when compiling with mcc, so debugging info should be included, yet debugging yields a warning:
'could not load shared library symbols for libaddne.so (my matlab lib) do you need set solib-search-path or set sysroot?'
Is this something related to how I compiled the library with mcc? Or perhaps its just a linux problem?
Thank You
  1 commentaire
Shaf le 16 Fév 2011
Which release are you trying this on?

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Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind le 15 Fév 2011
According to Tech Solution 1-VSTIJ, it may not be possible to do this.

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