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what is the unit of group parameters result from regionprop ?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mariam Sheha
Mariam Sheha le 1 Juil 2014
Commenté : Matt J le 28 Mai 2016
Hey Everybody;
Hope you are all doing well,
I'd like to ask about the unit of the area , perimeter and others results from like such function:
1- Equivalent diameter = 100 (what unit??)
2- Area
3- Roundeness
4- Perimeter
5-MAjor Axis
6- Minor Axis
Thanks alout

Réponse acceptée

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski le 1 Juil 2014
If you know the width of a pixel then you could scale by that.
  3 commentaires
Mariam Sheha
Mariam Sheha le 4 Juil 2014
Thanks a lot,
But would you please answer and tell me how can i know the pixel width??!
Thnx a lot
Matt J
Matt J le 28 Mai 2016
Accepted on OP's behalf.

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Plus de réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 4 Juil 2014
Those results all have units of pixels, except for roundness which is unitless.


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