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How to view an image from the side?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jack le 15 Juil 2014
Réponse apportée : Jan le 15 Juil 2014
I have an image which is 2D although is made up of slices. At the minute i am viewing the image from above as if looking down on it but i want to be able to look at it from a sideways view with all the slices compiled to make a visible image? Thanks in advance,

Réponse acceptée

David Sanchez
David Sanchez le 15 Juil 2014
Take a look at the built-in function view:
help view
doc view

Plus de réponses (1)

Jan le 15 Juil 2014
You can be sure to find useful code in the FileExchange for such standard problems. Search e.g. for "image 3D":


En savoir plus sur Convert Image Type dans Help Center et File Exchange

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