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How to add column (after multiplication) in file imported from excel

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mohsin Munir
Mohsin Munir le 25 Août 2021
Commenté : Mohsin Munir le 25 Août 2021
I have an excel file. I imported the whole table using readtable command. Now i want to apply multiply and conditions on various columns which will result in new columns. I want to add those columns in the same file. how do i proceed
  1 commentaire
Mohsin Munir
Mohsin Munir le 25 Août 2021

Thanks. I would like to know how we can link excel formulae in columns with matlab. Is this possible?

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Wan Ji
Wan Ji le 25 Août 2021
Then if you have new column named newColumn
previousTable = readtable('...');
newTable = [previousTable, table(newColunm)];
writetable(newTable, 'myNewTable.xls')

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