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Export a plot with predefined margins

23 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Leon le 28 Août 2021
Commenté : Leon le 29 Août 2021
I'm using the below command to export my plot into a jpeg file:
% h is the handle for the figure
% File_W is my jpeg file name
exportgraphics(h, File_W, 'Resolution', 600);
It works well except one issue. The system will automatically crop the figure to the smallest possible without losing any information. However, that's not what I want.
Is there a way I could add a predefined margin/gap, e.g., 20 pixels to the top, bottom, left and right?
Many thanks.

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TADA le 28 Août 2021
Modifié(e) : TADA le 28 Août 2021
theres the old school print function, still works well
print(h, File_W, format, '-r600');
for instance, if you want to export as .tif file:
print(h, File_W, '-dtiff', '-r600');
  3 commentaires
TADA le 29 Août 2021
There has to be a better solution, but as a workaround I guess you can save with exportgraphics and programatically load the image and pad its margins
exportgraphics(h, File_W, 'Resolution', 600);
im = imread(File_W);
im2 = padarray(im, [20, 20, 0], 255);
imwrite(im2, File_W);
Leon le 29 Août 2021
Many thanks!
I'll purchase the Imagine Processing toolbox and try it out later.

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