App designer : Unable to read imported data to table of 7 columns

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ramesh Bala
Ramesh Bala le 6 Sep 2021
Commenté : Ramesh Bala le 7 Sep 2021
I tried to import a text file and then show it in a table of 101 rows x 7 columns ( data is like that) using push button in App desinger. A is global .Disp (A) works so the data is stored.But how shall I pull those data into the table ?
Thanks in advance
function Importfile_2ButtonPushed(app, event)
file = uigetfile('*.txt');
app.A = load(file);
A = app.A;
% Button pushed function: Text2TableButton
function Text2TableButtonPushed(app, event)
disp(app.A); % this works
app.Text2TableButton.Data = app.A;
  2 commentaires
Thomas Fournier
Thomas Fournier le 7 Sep 2021
Isn't it just a mix up in the name of your table ? It's weird that you have a table named Text2TableButton..Initially it should have been called app.UITable
should work
Ramesh Bala
Ramesh Bala le 7 Sep 2021
Dear Thomas,
Thank you for your valuable answer.
Yes you're right it was named as such and I forgot to figure it out.

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