Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 50).

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Aman Murkar
Aman Murkar le 3 Oct 2021
Commenté : Aman Murkar le 3 Oct 2021
function main
% solution of 2D elliptical solution
% using Line Over Relaxation Method(LSOR)
% ep is accepted error
%Tridiag: Tridiagonal equation solver banded system
%stream function solver for inlet aswell as for outlet with Dirichlet
clear all;
eps = 0.001;
omega = input(' enter the omega value: ');
beta = input (' enter the beta value: ');
n= 100000;
nx = 51;
ny = 51;
T(1:nx, 1:ny-1) = 0;
TN(1:nx, 1:ny-1) = 0;
T(13:nx, 1)= 100;
T(nx, 1:31) = 100;
TN(13:nx, 1)= 100;
TN(nx, 1:31) = 100;
% its number of iteration
coeff = ( 2*(1+beta^2));
for iterations = 1:n
for j = 2:ny-1
a(1:nx-2) = -coeff;
b(1:nx-2)= omega;
c(1:nx-2)= omega;
for i = 2:nx-1
r(i-1) = - coeff*(1-omega)*T(i,j)-omega*beta^2*T(i,j+1)-omega*beta^2*TN(i,j-1);
r(1)= r(1)-omega*TN(1,j);
r(nx-2)= r(nx-2)-omega*TN(nx,j);
y = Tridiagonal(c,a,b,r);
for k = 1:nx-2
TN(k+1,j)= y(k);
error = abs(TN-T);
totalerror = sum(error,'all');
if totalerror <= eps
enter the omega value: 1.2
enter the beta value: 1
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 50).
Error in sf1 (line 30)
r(i-1) = - coeff*(1-omega)*T(i,j)-omega*beta^2*T(i,j+1)-omega*beta^2*TN(i,j-1);

Réponses (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 3 Oct 2021
ny = 51;
T(1:nx, 1:ny-1) = 0;
You initialize 51-1 = 50 columns in T
for j = 2:ny-1
j will be as much as 51-1 = 50
r(i-1) = - coeff*(1-omega)*T(i,j)-omega*beta^2*T(i,j+1)-omega*beta^2*TN(i,j-1);
When j becomes 50, then j+1 becomes 51, and T(2,51) would be asked for, but column 51 of T has not been initialized
  1 commentaire
Aman Murkar
Aman Murkar le 3 Oct 2021
thanks I got it . Its my mistake there should be T(1:nx, 1;ny) by mistake i wrote 1:ny-1.
Thanks for response

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