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How to get rid of zeros in data?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Kelsey le 8 Août 2014
Commenté : Kelsey le 8 Août 2014
I am plotting Efficiency vs. Acceleration. The formula for Efficiency is only valid if the vehicle is accelerating. Therefore, when the vehicle has a constant speed or is decelerating, it appears that Matlab gives it a value of zero. How do I get rid of all of the values of zero at the bottom of my plot?? Thank you so much, in advance!
Also, note that I tried:
but for some reason, that changed my data...I'm not sure why, and I'm not sure what to do! Thank you so much for your help.

Réponse acceptée

Christopher Berry
Christopher Berry le 8 Août 2014
I think you were on the right track with
But I would do this instead:
Index = [Conversion_Eff ~= 0];
Converserion_Eff = Conversion_Eff(Index);
Accel = Accel(Index);
Storing the index first is important, otherwise the 2nd comparison Conversion_Eff ~= 0 is with the already modified vector, Conversion_Eff which should not contain any 0 values.
  1 commentaire
Kelsey le 8 Août 2014
Thank you!! :)

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