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how can i convert irregularly placed space data into 3d grid

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Enkuneh Tellto
Enkuneh Tellto le 8 Août 2014
i have irregular 3d mesh which has strees or strain at each node and i want to change this irregularity into a 3d grid where i can easly plot 2d graphs for further analysis. the data is like this Node 1 has x1 y1 z1 and the corsponding stress value say m1 Node 2 has x2 y2 z2 and the corsponding stress value m2 . . . continue. please help me on how i can do it

Réponses (1)

Christopher Berry
Christopher Berry le 14 Août 2014
I just answered a very similar question about this same topic - irregular to regular 3D data transformation. Check out that answer here since I think it matches up very closely to your question:
Also, for 2D spacial visualization of 3D spacial data, you should look at the functions isosurface and slice as they may be useful as well
doc slice
doc isosurface
Hope that helps some.
  1 commentaire
Saeed Ghanbarifar
Saeed Ghanbarifar le 5 Jan 2021
how can i map this in matlab
x= lat utm
y= long
z= magnetic data

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