How to convert accelerometer data to find displacement graph
75 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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Maaz Nayeem
le 8 Oct 2021
Réponse apportée : Bora Eryilmaz
le 21 Mar 2024
I have a triple axis accelerometer sensors. we are doing vibrational analysis for a Civil engg structure, we are able to successfully get raw data from the accelerometer (XYZ in g's). We transfered this raw data into matlab and did acceleration and Fast fourier transform plot to get frequency. We are stuck on writing the code to change the acceleration data into displacement. If anyone has any tips on where we should go with this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.I have attached the Accleration plot. I have tried using CumTrapz command but it dosent give proper results.
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Mathieu NOE
le 8 Oct 2021
see my suggestion below
data = csvread('data.csv',1); % time & Acceleration data
t = data(:,1);
acc = data(:,2);
acc = detrend(acc,'linear');
N = length(t);
dt = mean(diff(t)); % Average dt
fs = 1/dt; % Frequency [Hz] or sampling rate
% some additionnal high pass filtering
N = 4;
fc = 0.05; % Hz
[B,A] = butter(N,2*fc/fs,'high');
acc2 = filter(B,A,acc);
velocity = cumtrapz(dt,acc2);
velocity = detrend(velocity,'linear');
disp = cumtrapz(dt,velocity);
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Walter Roberson
le 22 Août 2023
See the discussion above at
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Bora Eryilmaz
le 21 Mar 2024
The new convertVibration function in MATLAB R2024a release of the Predictive Maintenance Toolbox lets you compute baseline-corrected and filtered acceleration, velocity, and displacement signals from vibration measurements using a single sensor output from either an accelerometer, velocity sensor, or displacement sensor.
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