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Generating a matrix using other matrixes

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
alexaa1989 le 12 Août 2014
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
Hi everyone I need to use 3 different permutation matrixes to make a new one here's how I have it so far
n=randi([1 10],1,1);
so far as you know I have produced 3 matrixes with same dimension and 2 random number which indicate the places between arrays not arrays themself.
now I need to produce Y with same dimension using x1 x2 and o with these constraints applied on Y :
from c1+1 to c2 I need to have arrays from c1+1 to c2 using x1 (exact same permutation)
from c2 to end I need to have arrays from o which are not in Y so far(exact same permutation)
from 1 to c1 I need to have those arrays from x2 that are not used in Y so far(exact same permutation)
to be more clear Y =[ something from x2 , something from x1 , something from o ]
can anyone help me?
  1 commentaire
Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein le 12 Août 2014
Come on, that's your 5th question on the basically same problem. You should start writing code by yourself. I didn't follow all of the previous answers, so it might be that I present now techniques which are inferior to answers already posted.
On your question, I think the solution is

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