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How to make camlight work with export_fig?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jon Vegard
Jon Vegard le 24 Août 2014
I want to create high quality pdf images of 3D plots using camlight and export_fig. The following code yields the plot below, but the exported pdf (see attached pdf) file lack the camlight. How do I fix this?
surf(peaks(100),'EdgeColor', 'none')
set(gca, 'Color', 'none');
export_fig('../graphics/test', '-png', '-transparent')

Réponses (1)

Jon Vegard
Jon Vegard le 30 Août 2014
I'm also interested in solutions not involving export_fig.


En savoir plus sur Lighting, Transparency, and Shading dans Help Center et File Exchange

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