Error when trying to use 'rosinit' command

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Mattia Waitz
Mattia Waitz le 20 Oct 2021
I'm very new to ROS and when I try to launch the 'rosinit' command on my M1 mac i receive the following message/error:
>> rosinit
Launching ROS Core...
Adding required Python packages to virtual environment..chmod: /Users/mattiawaitz/.matlab/R2021a/ros1/maci64/venv/bin/activate: No such file or directory
bash -c 'PATH=$PATH:/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ ; /Users/mattiawaitz/.matlab/R2021a/ros1/maci64/venv/bin/activate ; DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ /Users/mattiawaitz/.matlab/R2021a/ros1/maci64/venv/bin/python -m ensurepip --upgrade --no-default-pip -v -v -v': Killed
Could not install the required Python packages. System error message: bash:
/Users/mattiawaitz/.matlab/R2021a/ros1/maci64/venv/bin/activate: No such file or directory
bash: line 1: 91406 Killed: 9
/Users/mattiawaitz/.matlab/R2021a/ros1/maci64/venv/bin/python -m ensurepip --upgrade --no-default-pip -v -v -v
. Use pyenv function to set the path to the Python executable and retry the command.
I've installed Python 2.7 as requested by the help page and already tried using the 'pyenv' command as suggested by MATLAB in the last line.

Réponses (1)

Jagadeesh Konakalla
Jagadeesh Konakalla le 21 Oct 2021
Can you try the following once and let me know ?
>> pyenv('Version',<path to python 2.7>);
>> ros.internal.createOrGetLocalPython(true);
>> rosinit
Thanks and regards,
  4 commentaires
Mattia Waitz
Mattia Waitz le 21 Oct 2021
Sorry for the continuous disturb, but I have one last question: how can I retrieve the maci version? I downloaded the 2.7.18 from, which I assume is an intel version especially since it dates back to early 2020. As far as the path goes, the command I write down is the following
>> pyenv('Version','/Applications/Python2.7');
which returns a message saying that it can't find any valid executable.
Again sorry for the disturb and thanks for the kind responses.
Jagadeesh Konakalla
Jagadeesh Konakalla le 21 Oct 2021
Hi Mattia,
I think it is installed in /usr/local/bin.
So, try the following. It should work

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