Changing the order of stateflow outputs (inputs)

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ali le 19 Oct 2014
Commenté : Ali le 20 Oct 2014
Hi! I want to change an order of outputs of the stateflow block embedded in simulink model but can't figure out how to do this.

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Jon Boerner
Jon Boerner le 20 Oct 2014
If you open the model explorer for your model, and navigate to the Stateflow chart, you should see all of your inputs and outputs listed:
If you then click on one of the outputs, you should have an option to change which port it is for:
Changing this should change the order.
  1 commentaire
Ali le 20 Oct 2014
Thanks! I was looking for subject in model explorer but didn't noticed the dropdown you have pointed me!

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