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How to change automatically generated uibutton properties in another function?

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
The following code is run at startup that generated buttons based on a number of unique files in a folder. The callbackfcn is another function, where the user would choose one of these buttons. At that point, i'd like to highlight the chosen button, which is easy, but i would also like to grey out, or delete the other buttons. The qquestion is how to I access the other buttons that were generated?! I can get to the button that was clicked easily, just not the other ones.
% make buttons
numButtons = max(size(app.orientationUnique));
for b = 1:numButtons
posidx = b*(30+app.TheHuntGUI.Position(1));
app.orientationButtons = uibutton(app.TheHuntGUI, 'push');
app.orientationButtons.FontName = 'Arial';
app.orientationButtons.FontSize = 18;
app.orientationButtons.FontWeight = 'bold';
app.orientationButtons.Position = [posidx 500 120 40];
app.orientationButtons.Text = app.orientationUnique{b};
app.orientationButtons.Tag = app.orientationUnique{b};
app.orientationButtons.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @orientationButtonPushed, true);
  1 commentaire
sid le 23 Nov 2021
numButtons = max(size(app.orientationUnique));
for b = 1:numButtons
posidx = b*(30+app.TheHuntGUI.Position(1));
app.orientationButtons(b) = uibutton(app.TheHuntGUI, 'push');
set(app.orientationButtons(b),'Position',[posidx 500 120 40]);
set(app.orientationButtons(b),'Text', app.orientationUnique{b});
set(app.orientationButtons(b),'ButtonPushedFcn',createCallbackFcn(app, @orientationButtonPushed, true));

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Réponse acceptée

Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami le 22 Nov 2021
You can store all your buttons as an array in the app property orientationButtons.
function create_buttons(app)
% % make buttons
numButtons = max(size(app.orientationUnique));
for b = 1:numButtons
posidx = b*(30+app.TheHuntGUI.Position(1));
app.orientationButtons(b) = uibutton(app.TheHuntGUI, 'push');
app.orientationButtons(b).FontName = 'Arial';
app.orientationButtons(b).FontSize = 18;
app.orientationButtons(b).FontWeight = 'bold';
app.orientationButtons(b).Position = [posidx 500 120 40];
app.orientationButtons(b).Text = app.orientationUnique{b};
app.orientationButtons(b).Tag = app.orientationUnique{b};
app.orientationButtons(b).ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @orientationButtonPushed, true);
function orientationButtonPushed(app,event)
btnclicked = event.Source;
allotherbtns = app.orientationButtons(~ismember(app.orientationButtons,btnclicked));
Also I suggest you use uigridlayout as the parent for your buttons. This will automatically adjust the sizes of the button based on the available space instead of manually setting the positions in code.
  3 commentaires
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami le 23 Nov 2021
How did you access the fontname property. You need to but the index before the .FontName.
app.orientationButtons(b).FontName = 'Arial';
sid le 24 Nov 2021
resolved. cant get your solution to work, but the uigridlayout is a good idea. thank you.

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