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Communications Toolbox support Package for USRP Radio Error : can't detect USRP

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
영우 오
영우 오 le 2 Déc 2021
Modifié(e) : 영우 오 le 2 Déc 2021
i tried installation of 'Communcation Toolbox Support Package for USRP radio'.
But, this package can't detect connected USRP.
how connect to USRP(N200/N210) with host pc by using Ethernet-cable??
The environment I set up is like the pictures below.
[figure 1. set up the TCP/IPv4 protocol]
[figure 2. result of ping test (ping]
[figure 3. matlab command-based check connected USRP]
[figure 4. hardware setup in package - 1st step]
[figure 5. hardware setup in package - 2nd step]
[figure 6. hardware setup in package - last step -> can't detect my USRP]

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