- Matrix Size and Operations: Although your sparse matrix 'M' has 10 billion elements with only 499,987 non-zero elements, certain operations may inadvertently convert parts of the matrix to a dense format, increasing memory usage. Specifically, solving the system (I - p*G*D)\e can be problematic. While (G) and (D) are sparse, the resulting matrix (I - p*G*D) might not remain sparse during factorization.
- LU Factorization: The backslash operator (\backslash) in MATLAB typically involves LU factorization, which can introduce significant fill-in, making the LU factors denser than the original sparse matrix and thus consuming more memory.
- Memory Overhead: Additional memory is needed for temporary variables, the solution vector, and managing sparse matrix operations, contributing to the increased memory demand.
- For large sparse systems, consider using iterative solvers like “pcg” (Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient) or “gmres” with appropriate preconditioning. These methods generally use less memory than direct solvers like LU factorization.
- Use MATLAB's memory profiling tools to identify where the most memory is being used. This can help pinpoint operations that cause excessive memory usage.
- If possible, adjust the damping factor “p” and the structure of G to see if that impacts memory usage.
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/pcg.html
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/gmres.html
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/performance-and-memory.html