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Calculate a varibale matrix for a specific value

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sa Moha
Sa Moha le 16 Déc 2021
Commenté : Walter Roberson le 16 Déc 2021
I know this is a beginnary question. But I couldn't find a solution for it.
syms x;
  1 commentaire
Awais Saeed
Awais Saeed le 16 Déc 2021
You did not explain what you are trying to acheive and what is the problem. A(2) gives you [2 3 1] though.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 16 Déc 2021
syms x;
ans = 
I suspect that you are trying to index the formula A(x) to extract the x+1 .
If so, then you cannot do that directly.
When you define a symbolic function like you do on the second line, then MATLAB starts with a sym() object and attaches subsref() behaviour for indexing with () indices. The subsref() behaviour that is attached to the symbolic function object is that () indexing works like
extract the variables from the defined parameter list
find the underlying sym() object representation,
subs() into that symbolic representation replacing the
parameter variables with the values that are pass in through the () notation
After that is done, you cannot index into the formula to extract parts of the formula, because the () behavior has been defined as evaluating the formula according to the parameters passed in. Thus A(2) is subs([x,x+1,x-1], {x}, {2}) giving [2 3 1] .
What you can do, though, is
parts = formula(A)
parts = 
ans = 
  3 commentaires
Sa Moha
Sa Moha le 16 Déc 2021
I found it myself:
for i=1:2
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 16 Déc 2021
A = cell(2, 1);
for i=1:2
A = 2×1 cell array
{2×2 double} {2×2 double}
ans = 2×2
2 2 2 2

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