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confusion matrix for image retrieval

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
new_user le 29 Déc 2021
Réponse apportée : Divit le 18 Oct 2023
im = fullfile(pn, fn);
images_query = imageDatastore(rootFolder, 'IncludeSubfolders',true, 'LabelSource','foldernames'); %%'ReadFcn', @readCBIR
R = imread(im); % Read image
Input_Layer_Size_q = net.Layers(1).InputSize(1:2); % (1:2 = 1st 2 elemnts of input size), input layer size stored in this variable (Input_layer_size)
Resized_Test_image_q = augmentedImageDatastore(Input_Layer_Size_q, R, 'ColorPreprocessing','gray2rgb'); %% For defining test image replace "Testing _image with test folder
%Extract feature
train_feature = activations(net, Resized_Training_image, 'Animal Feature Learner', 'OutputAs', 'Rows');
query_feature = activations(net, Resized_Test_image_q, 'Animal Feature Learner', 'OutputAs', 'Rows');
%Equation 2
a = query_feature; % transposing
b = transpose(1-a);
%Equation 3
c = zeros(Number_of_Classes,Number_of_Training_images);
d = sqrt(sum((query_feature' - train_feature') .^ 2)); % other method eucledian: giving all images from same category maybe something is wrong
for e = 1 : Number_of_Training_images
f = b.*d(:,e);
c(:, e) = f;
c = sqrt(sum(c))';
% Fetch top 25 similar images
g = sort(c);
[~, n] = sort(c);
n = n(1:25);
files = cell(1, 25);
for h =1:25
files{h} = Training_image.Files{n(h)};
%Display query image
% Display retrived images
confusionchart(Testing_image.Labels, Predicted_Label,'Normalization','row-normalized', 'Title', 'Normalised ConfMat'); % normalised values for different rows, col, etc
confMat = confusionmat(Testing_image.Labels, Predicted_Label); %confusionmat generates cofusion matrix
How do I find confusion matrix, precison, RMS error for image retrival?

Réponses (1)

Divit le 18 Oct 2023
I understand that you would like to calculate precision, RMSE(Root mean square error) and plot the confusion matrix for your image retrieval task.
To find the confusion matrix, precision, and RMSE for image retrieval, you need to have the ground truth labels of the test images and the predicted labels obtained from the retrieval process.
1. Confusion Matrix:
Assuming you have the predicted labels “Predicted_Labeland the true labels Testing_image.Labelsyou can use the confusionmat function to generate the confusion matrix and plot it using the “confustionchart” function in MATLAB. Here's an example:
confMat = confusionmat(Testing_image.Labels, Predicted_Label);
confusionchart(Testing_image.Labels, Predicted_Label,'Normalization','row-normalized', 'Title', 'Normalised ConfMat');
2. Precision:
Precision can be calculated as the number of true positives divided by the sum of true positives and false positives for each class. You can use the confusion matrix to calculate precision. Here's an example for a specific class:
classIndex = 1; % Index of the class for which you want to calculate precision
truePositives = confMat(classIndex, classIndex);
falsePositives = sum(confMat(:, classIndex)) - truePositives;
precision = truePositives / (truePositives + falsePositives);
Note that, precision is typically calculated per class, so you may need to loop through the classes to obtain the overall precision value.
3. RMSE:
RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) is not typically used for evaluating image retrieval tasks. RMSE is a metric commonly used in regression tasks to measure the average squared difference between predicted and actual values. Still, if you would like to calculate RMSE you can do so by using MATLAB’s “rmsefunction.
You can refer to the following documentation links which might help you in understanding the functions better:


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