reading multiple images - strcat

4 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Raviteja le 20 Sep 2011
Commenté : elz tomz le 9 Juil 2018
In a folder I have 50 images of 5 subjects 10 each. (all are .jpg format) I named them as
sub1 (1)
sub1 (2)
sub1 (10)
sub2 (1)
sub2 (2)
sub5 (10)
I want to read them in matlab.
I have written following code in matlab
for i=1:5
for j=1:10
name=strcat('sub',int2str(i), ,'(',int2str(j),')','.jpg');
% some code
% some code
in the above code problem is with strcat can you please correct the above code. and can you give any alternative way to read all these images from the folder ?
  3 commentaires
Raviteja le 20 Sep 2011
Yes, I want a null character!
Jan le 20 Sep 2011
@Raviteja: A space is *not* a null character. Does my answer using SPRINTF solve your problem?

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Réponses (2)

Jan le 20 Sep 2011
Unfortuanely STRCAT removes marginal spaces from its inputs:
strcat('a', ' ', 'b')
>> ab
This was necessary when string lists have been implemented as CHAR matrices before CELLs have been invented - if I remember correctly this happend in Matlab 4.1.2. Using the CAT command is not influenced by this "smart" unblanking.
For your problem SPRINTF seems to be more convenient and it is not influenced by spaces:
name = sprintf('sub%d (%d).jpg', i, j);

SHEKHAR YADAV le 6 Juil 2015
for i=1:5 for j=1:10; strcat('d',int2str(i),int2str(j))=a(i,:)-b(j,:)
  3 commentaires
Thorsten le 6 Juil 2015
We cannot run this snipplet as a and b are missing. Further, I think it would be better if you start a new question with an appropriate title instead of posting an answer to a 4 year old question that contains another question...
elz tomz
elz tomz le 9 Juil 2018
for i=1:50 { A=imread(strcat('your image path\','iMAGE STARTING LETTER',int2str(i),'.bmp')); figure;imshow(A); }
just try it out

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