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change audiolabeler data source

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Soo Bin Moon
Soo Bin Moon le 13 Jan 2022
Commenté : Soo Bin Moon le 4 Fév 2022
I want to use ROI label data of audio lableled by my predecessor. The data source does not match because the operating system of the computer that received the predecessor's labeling data is different, I can't use data. Is there any way to change the data source?
Error using
signalwavelet.internal.labeling.LabeledSignalSetBase/set.Source (line 921)
Unable to set the read-only property 'Source'. Use the addMembers, and removeMembers methods to modify the data source.
As shown in the error message, I tried to use addMembers and removeMembers, but the problem is that only audiodatastore can be used as an argument of addMembers, and only data source cannot be changed arbitrarily.
Thank you so much for your time.

Réponse acceptée

Frantz Bouchereau
Frantz Bouchereau le 18 Jan 2022
Hello Soo,
A fix is on the way (MATLAB R2022a) to enable specifying alternate file system roots of a datastore inside a labeledSignalSet object, this is what you need to specify your new data paths. In the meantime a workaround is to create a new labeledSignalSet with a datastore pointing to your file paths and to copy the labels from the predecessor labeled set into the new one.
I have attached a function newFromLegacyLSS.m that you can use to convert your legacy labeled set into a new one.
Hope this helps.
  1 commentaire
Soo Bin Moon
Soo Bin Moon le 4 Fév 2022
Thanks for the help! I have successfully changed the path using the attached file.

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